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Greetings once again from sunny Florida! I’m thankful to God that we survived hurricane Irma. Some parts of my neighborhood still look like … well, like a storm hit it, but the crews are doing a great job clearing away fallen trees and branches and tidying the place up. Supermarkets have water again – YIPPEE! – and gas is flowing in the gas stations. My thoughts and prayers are with those in the Caribbean who are now under the gun from hurricane Maria. Please remember them in your prayers and help where you are able.

I promised to update you at least once a month on events in which I will be participating – book signings, giveaways, book reviews and the like. Well, in two days’ time from Sept. 21st – Oct. 3rd, I’m participating in an exciting group giveaway of women’s fiction books – Life Changing in the Face of Adversity – Women’s Fiction at its Best


Here’s the link for you to find out more about this exciting giveaway. https://www.instafreebie.com/gg/aWoOiHIiRh3jWYDPccjC   Instafreebie has organized this event and I know it’s going to be a smash. You can win a copy of my book Coming Out of Egypt as well as other stellar women’s fiction books.

Here’s a short blurb for Coming Out of Egypt:

When Marva accidentally kills her father while trying to protect her younger sister June from him, she anticipates a new beginning far from “Egypt” where they once lived. But her new life is not what she envisioned. The strain of trying to elude the police, cope with her rebellious younger sister while holding down her job in a man’s domain drives her to drink. When Cicely, her former teacher, intervenes and leads the girls to Christ, Marva finds some measure of peace, but she still has to be on her guard. Will she one day find the love and happiness she craves, or will she get the punishment she deserves?


Please share this information with your friends and ask them to share as well. Stay tuned for more updates. And please sign up for my newsletter if you haven’t done so yet.

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In my last post, I wrote that Coming Out of Egypt, the first book in my Egypt series, has no graphic sexual content and no bloody, gory scenes. However, it does begin just after a murder has taken place. So, you say, no blood and sex, then why should I read it? Glad you asked.


You like that, don’t you? Well, Coming Out of Egypt is full of romance. The sweet kind. The kind that makes you think of a knight in shining armor rushing to rescue a damsel in distress. No, not really. It’s not a historical romance, but it has enough passion and sexual tension between the characters to make your toes curl and keep you turning the pages. I am not the only author who likes reading and writing clean romance. I just came across this site  that lists some really good clean romances that I want to check out and you may want to as well.

Here’s an excerpt of a love scene from Coming Out of Egypt between two main characters, Cicely and David.

Love was heavenly.

Despite his busy schedule, he managed to squeeze in a day with them in Toco. They spent it swimming and snorkeling in the sparkling, cool waters of the north coast. When it was time for him to leave for the long drive back to the south, Cicely thought her heart would split with worry. The road was lonely, narrow and winding with steep precipices on either side. Was he sure he could manage alone? Did he have his firearm? Could he radio for help if necessary? He assured her he would be all right. He’d driven all by himself to come, he would be safe. Standing under a spreading almond tree, the wind whipping her hair, she made him promise he would break his journey by spending the night at his mother’s house.

He wrapped his arms around her. “I promise. I’ll call you as soon as I get to Mom’s house.”

“What time will you be there?”

He checked his watch. “Around seven-thirty.” He buried his face in her hair. “God, how I wish I could take you with me.”

She glanced toward the beach house. The others were getting ready for dinner. They wouldn’t miss her until they sat down to eat. But no, she was a grown woman. With an effort, she put a hand on his chest. “Just a couple more days.”

She watched him go, tears welling up in her eyes and running down her face, as salty as the ocean breeze that fanned her skin. He got into the car, started it and waved. She waved back and kept on waving until the little orange bug was out of sight. It was now six. An hour and a half of agony and two more days of loneliness until she returned home. Could there be pain in heaven?

This is love between a mature man and woman. Next time, I’ll show you another type of love – between a much younger couple – the protagonist and her love interest.

Leave a comment below, share this post with your friends and grab yourself a copy of the book free on Kindle Unlimited, or you can buy it on Kindle at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FNJ5EIU

And don’t forget to sign up for my blog where you can receive updates on my other books and giveaways.

I saw something funny on Facebook recently. The writer said (I’m paraphrasing) that her book contains no ex-boyfriend suddenly showing up from the past, no finding old letters and no old mansion for sale, or words to that effect. I laughed when I read it because so many of the book descriptions I read  are about those very things. Maybe there are readers who enjoy those books, but when I choose a book, I like one that takes me to parts unknown, tugs at my emotions and leaves me thinking about the characters long after I’ve reached THE END. So because I love to read those books, I try to write similar ones.

In Part 1 of this topic, I said there were many reasons to read In The Wilderness, Book 2 of the Egypt series, and the first reason I gave was:

No graphic scenes of sexual abuse

But before we get to that, here’s a short synopsis of the book:

When Marva accidentally kills her father while trying to protect her younger sister June from him, she anticipates a new beginning far from “Egypt” where they once lived. But her new life is not what she envisioned. The strain of trying to elude the detective who suspects her of the murder, cope with her rebellious younger sister and hold down her job in a man’s domain drive her to drink. When Cicely, her former teacher, intervenes and leads the girls to Christ, Marva finds some measure of peace, but guilt over her crime and the desire to save June from disgrace force her to contemplate suicide. Fortunately, a serious accident derails her plans, and both Marva and June discover their true calling – to serve God, and others, with all their heart and with all their strength.

Many people, myself included, are turned off by scenes of a child’s body being violated. I have started reading many books – some quite popular – and have put them down at the first hint of abuse. The content of In The Wilderness and its prequel Coming Out of Egypt focuses on the psychological effects of the abuse. The stories are clean and wholesome, but suspenseful. Marva and June occasionally reflect on how much their father hurt them, but for the most part, they confine  those painful memories to the back burner of their minds.

And speaking of graphic scenes, I believe the most graphic is in the beginning when Marva and June dispose of their father’s body.

Thunder rolled again, and Marva swallowed against the tightness in her throat. Summoning all her strength, she pulled. This time the body gave and slid over the smooth linoleum floor. Beads of perspiration ran down her face and fell on the dead man’s khaki pants. Once Marva got to the door, she had no choice but to let his head drop the one step to the ground outside.

Senses alert, she stopped and listened. The storage door still rattled and the wind rustled through the leaves like whispering ghosts. A shiver ran through her. It was unlikely that hunters, or any of their father’s laborers, would come through their property on a night like this, but one never knew. With June sticking to her like a shadow, they took the familiar path down the slope leading to the river. Swish-swish went the corpse as Marva dragged her father’s lifeless body over the carpet of dry leaves.

Notice, there’s no blood and gore, neither do I show how the murder took place. This, I believe, leaves the reader to wonder what is going on, how did all of this happen. This is not a crime or murder novel even though murder is involved.

You can get a further glimpse into Book 1 – Coming Out of Egypt by clicking on the form below. You will get to read the first five chapters so you can decide if you want to buy the book. Or if you have already decided you want to buy the book, click here:


http://authl.it/ B01FNJ5EIU

Prefer print? http://amzn.to/2qCJsQA

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Tomorrow is the day. If you’ve been following my posts, you will know that tomorrow 8/17 is the day In the Wilderness makes its grand entrance on the world stage. I am excited to say the least. This book follows on the heels of Coming Out of Egypt which received a five-star rating from Reader’s Favorite and other reviewers. I expect ITW to do just as well. And because I want you to be able to get your hands on this book with little expense, I’m making it available at the same preorder price of 99c. Aren’t I sweet?

Before you click on that link, here’s a one-line premise of In the Wilderness:

A young woman, torn by guilt over her secret crime, chooses suicide in order to protect her sister from shame.

Now here’s a little snippet to whet your appetite even more:

Marva’s fingers twisted the end of the sheet. June’s words made sense. Why spoil things for everybody? Because she wanted to be a martyr?

She lay down and pulled up the sheet. “You’re right, Junie. Please turn off the light.”

June hesitated. “Promise me you’ll stop worrying.”

Marva smiled. What a sweet child she was. “I promise.”

The light went off and June settled quietly next to her. Long after her snores confirmed that she was asleep, Marva lay mulling over what was the best way to make her confession. She could not bear the guilt any longer. She had to tell someone that she was the person who had killed her father.

Want to know what follows?  GET IT NOW

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Sometimes when I browse Amazon or other book sites and read blurbs, I realize that there are other books whose subject matter is similar to mine. I have read some of those books, but in all honesty, I don’t like reading about child abuse, especially sexual abuse. Really? Then why did you write about it, I can hear you scream. The question is justified, and the answer is simple. I think it’s something that needs to be spoken about, exposed, denounced until the world ceases to turn a blind eye to this scourge in our midst. So, I’m not  knocking other novels that portray sexual abuse. They all have their place, although I cannot read graphic details about horrible things done to a child. In this series of articles, I will show you why I think you should read my Egypt series.

First, take a look at the short synopsis:

When Marva accidentally kills her father while trying to protect her younger sister June from him, she anticipates a new beginning far from “Egypt” where they once lived. But her new life is not what she envisioned. The strain of trying to elude the detective who suspects her, cope with her rebellious younger sister and hold down her job in a man’s domain drive her to drink. When Cicely, her former teacher, intervenes and leads the girls to Christ, Marva finds some measure of peace, but guilt over her crime and the desire to save June from disgrace force her to contemplate suicide. Fortunately, a serious accident derails her plans, and both Marva and June discover their true calling – to serve God, and others, with all their heart and with all their strength.

In the next post, one reason why you should read the Egypt series:

No graphic scenes of sexual abuse.

Book 2 In the Wilderness is now on preorder for 99c. until 8/17. Get your copy now by clicking https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072WB8N25

If you have not yet read the first book and would like to do so, you can click  here.

And don’t forget to sign up below for my monthly newsletter where you can get updates on my books, giveaways and more.

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The statistics are overwhelming, the facts disturbing, the reality frightening. What am I talking about? I’m talking about child sexual abuse – a topic that is whispered about at best, shunned at worst.
Look at some of these statistics: provided by Darkness to Light

One in ten children will be sexually abused before the age of eighteen. Notice I said children – boys are as much at risk as girls are.

90% of child sexual abuse victims know their abuser.

Child sexual abuse increases the chances of a child dropping out of school.

Only 4 – 8% of reports of child sexual abuse are fabricated.

Use of alcohol and drugs can be indicators of child abuse

However, there is hope. Parents, teachers, pastors, everyone needs to be able to recognize the signs of sexual abuse in their charges and know what to do when they see these signs. That is why I wrote this novel Coming Out of Egypt: to create an awareness of what still remains hidden in too many instances and grows in the dark like a fungus until it has spread and poisoned the whole system.

Why a novel? Why not a self-help, non- fiction book? Because many victims may shun the idea of reading a book that puts them under a microscope and makes them feel like a statistic. A novel like Coming Out of Egypt presents fully- fleshed out characters with whom the reader can identify and who can help her understand why she feels and acts the way she does.

The story inspires hope. At the beginning of the story, the characters’ situation appears hopeless. Marva and her sister are orphans. Their mother died a year before the story began, and now their father is dead, and they are trying to cover their tracks and elude the police. They have little money and dare not tell the only relative they know that Marva just killed their father while trying to protect June from his abuse.

The journey out of Egypt is fraught with difficulties and trials, but by the end of the story, Marva has a job, June is in school and they are pretty well settled. But Marva’s crime still hangs like a noose over her head. Will she find the love and forgiveness she craves or the punishment she deserves?

Want to know more about the story? Sign up on the form below to receive a free preview and other updates. I know you will be blessed.

Now on preorder for just .99c until it is released: In The Wilderness, the second book in the Egypt trilogy. See what happens to Marva and June after they have “come out of Egypt.”


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If you love dystopian romance, you would be sure to love An Impossible World, a new novel
by S.P. Cervantes.
S.P. Cervantes is the author of the acclaimed contemporary romance A BROKEN FAIRY TALE series. The series allows you to connect with a group of friends and their triumphs over tragedy. “Dust to Dust” is a suspenseful stand-alone romance that introduces readers to this close knit group of loyal friends. “Wished Away” is an emotional romance that should be read before the Bad-Boy romance, “His Jar of Hearts”.

S.P. highly acclaimed romance called “The Wife” is now available.

S.P. is also the author of the highly rated Young Adult Romantic Fantasy trilogy Secrets of Shadow Hill. “Always and Forever”, “The Prophecy”, and “War of Wizards” that has been described as “Twilight Meets Harry Potter”. It’s not your typical romantic fantasy.

Book & Author Details:

An Impossible World
by S.P. Cervantes
Published by: Amber Leaf Publishing
Publication date: July 25th 2017
Genres: Adult, Dystopian, Romance


What would happen if terrorism spread and hate took over? What would the world become?

Isabella (Belle) Grey trained her entire adult life to protect those around her––training that would prove invaluable in her quest to make a new life. Forced to live in an impossible world, terror was not only outside the walls of her protected community but also raged behind the walls of her very own home.

No longer willing to put up with her husband’s drunken abuse, Belle made the desperate decision to run away from the safety of her community and escaped alone into the broken world beyond.

Chased by death as bombs exploded in the distance, her next decision could not only save her life but could potentially bring light back into her darkened soul.

When faced with the impossible, Belle found strength in an unsuspecting stranger who set her path in a new direction––one she never considered.

Fear. Love. Revenge. Strength … all come together in this epic tale of fate and survival.

S.P Cervantes lives in Orange County, California with her husband and three children, where she is a teacher. She enjoys spending time with her family, writing, reading, and running, but is always thinking of an idea for her next novel.

Author links:

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35145949

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2tlUpY5
B&N: http://bit.ly/2snLMPh
iBooks: http://apple.co/2so32nD
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/an-impossible-world-1

The author is offering an exciting giveaway which ends July 27th.
Blitz-wide giveaway (INTL)

Signed paperback of An Impossible World, swag, and a $25 Amazon gift card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/d04251231908/

I just want to wish you and yours a safe, happy and satisfying Fourth of July. As you celebrate with family and friends, take a moment to reflect on what makes this country great. Courageous men and women, boundless blessings from our Creator and – books. I couldn’t help throwing that in because I love books. I can’t imagine a world without them. So today, I salute my fellow writers and readers everywhere. After you’ve swallowed that last piece of barbecue and said good-bye to your last guest, make a little time to curl up with a good book. es

Here are two suggestions: Coming Out of Egypt – Book 1 in the Egypt series – a story of a beautiful young woman trying to rise above her crime and forge a new life for herself and her sister. You will read about her teacher who believes in her, her childhood friend who loves her, and a detective who wants to arrest her. Get it here.

In the Wilderness – Book 2 – Marva has to decide. Should she kill herself to avoid going to prison and shaming her sister? Preorder now.

Today is the grand SIAFBB happening we’ve been talking about all week. What is it? It’s the Support Indie Authors Free & Bargain Book event. This is an event in which SIA members offer temporary discounts or freebie promos, and combine our collective marketing resources to showcase our works to a larger readership.

I will be promoting Women For All Seasons, my Christian non-fiction book based on women of the Bible. To know more about it you can go here. I will also be talking about my new Egypt series, Book 1, Coming Out of Egypt and Book 2 In The Wilderness, which is now on preorder.

This is your chance to get Women For All Seasons FREE and Coming Out of Egypt for only 99c. But just for today, so don’t miss this opportunity. And while you are there, please opt-in to my subscribe box so you can get updates on my books, author events and giveaways. So please pass the word on to your friends. The event starts at 8.00 a.m and goes on all day. I will be on at 3.00 p.m. Hope to see you there.

Here’s another cover reveal to help with your reading selections this summer. This offering is from Carolyn Anthony, author of the Shattered Boundaries series. It is written in the adult, contemporary romance genre and will be released on Jul. 3rd 2017.

Twenty-Four Hours
by Carolyn Anthony


The second chance that might never happen…

Eve Luccio waited years for her first love, but somehow their lives were never quite in sync. Now, at thirty-six, her only focus is completing the final year of her PhD. The last thing on her mind is the honor-driven former Navy SEAL who stole her heart as a teen and left her unable to love any other man since.

When Jake Theron walks back into Eve’s life, his presence shatters her walls of self preservation. He unleashes a dark sexuality that Eve never imagined she would experience, much less come to crave. All he wants from her is a day of her trust—twenty-four uninterrupted hours before she crosses the country for her Post Doctorate position in New York. But letting down her guard for even twenty-four hours with Jake might just destroy her.

For Jake Theron, Eve was always “the oone that got away,” except even after two decades, she’s still under his skin. When Eve finally agrees to see him, Jake vows he won’t let her slip through his fingers again.

But nobody knows better than Jake what a vicious bitch fate can be. When his life gets in the way, he realizes he may have to let Eve go once again—this time for her own good.

All he has left are the next twenty-four hours. One day and night in a seaside hotel, after which he has no choice but to let her walk out of his life with no guarantee he’ll ever see her again. The problem is, now that he’s had a real taste of the woman who should have been his twenty years ago, he’s not sure he’ll have the strength to let her go.

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35429365-twenty-four-hours

Carolyn Anthony is a sucker for a dark romance with a dominant, tattooed, alpha badass man at the helm.

Her characters deal with real life issues: the painful, the tragic, the damaging sort of life events that leave both external and internal scars, because she’s been there.
Her heroines are strong women at the core who will always find what’s been lost, taken or exploited: their strength, their self-worth, their identity, their innocence or their love. She writes about women exploring their sexuality, owning that sexuality and enjoying it. Along for the ride, the hot-ass men who prove worthy enough to be on that journey with them.

Book one in the Shattered Boundaries Series, Twenty-Four Hours, will be available to buy on July, 3, 2017. Each book is a stand alone with a well earned HEA. Book two coming soon as well as Phoenix, the first book in a Contemporary second chances trilogy.

Feel free to stalk me everywhere!

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