Coming Out of Egypt

The South Florida Book Fest is an annual event which takes place at the African American Research Library and Cultural Center on Sistrunk Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale. This year the book fest will be held on Sat. Jul. 20th, and I’m happy to be a part of the event. I’ll be signing copies of my debut novel Coming Out of Egypt. If you are in the area, please drop by my table and have a chat.

In the Wilderness

In the Wilderness is now being printed and unfortunately will not be available at this event. However, you can get a flyer of this book and the third in the series, In the Promised Land. The event starts at 10. 30 and there will be a huge line-up of authors, speakers, presenters and more. You can also enjoy cooking demonstrations by renowned chefs, workshops and other activities. So don’t miss out! Hope to see you there.

“Where did the time go?” That’s a common topic of conversation these days, and one I ask myself almost every day. Before you know it, the kindle-countdown-one-year celebration for In the Promised Land will be over. I hope you took advantage of the deep discounts over these 3 days to get your copy of this captivating novel.

In order to whet your appetite further while there are still a few hours left, I am posting an excerpt that captures one of the scenes written around the true event which forms the backdrop of this novel – the bombing of the police headquarters as a small Muslim group staged a bloody coup in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad.


As he checked his watch, something on the television screen caught his eye. A man resembling Dennis Kallipersad, the evening news anchor, sat at a table. Behind him, stood two men dressed in army uniforms, carrying rifles. Derek frowned. Not one of those bad plays at this time of day. It was just after four. He was about to switch to the other station when the man sitting said in a tremulous voice, “We have suspended regular programming to bring you this report. Trinidad and Tobago television was taken over by the Muslimeen forces of Yasin Aboud Bakr this afternoon around 2.30 p.m. It has been learned that our sister radio station, Radio 610, has been taken over. Muslimeen forces also stormed the Parliament building and bombed the Police Headquarters on St. Vincent Street earlier this afternoon. Motorists are urged to stay away from those areas.”

Derek dashed across the room and yanked the bathroom door open. June stood there drying herself, but for the first time her nakedness failed to excite him. He grabbed her by the hand and ran with her back to the bed. Snatching up her clothing, he thrust them at her. “Here, get dressed, quick.”

“Honey, my hair —”

“Never mind, you’ll fix it in the car.”

While she scrambled to get into her clothes, Derek shoved his feet into his socks and shoes, then felt his pocket for his keys. June, clad in underwear, paused, looking at the television. “What’s going on? Is that a play?”

“Here. Put on your skirt.” He held out the garment, she stepped into it, and he quickly pulled her zipper up.

She reached for her jacket.  “What’s that about the Parliament?”

Derek turned off the TV. “Here’s your jacket, let me help you.” He pushed the sleeve over one arm, and she shrugged the other arm through.

 “Ready? Let’s go.” He grabbed her arm while she was still buttoning her jacket.

She twisted free. “Wait. What’s the rush?”

“The Muslims have taken over. Come on.”

June barely had time to grab her purse before he dragged her by the hand and out through the door.

Everything seemed normal as they got into their car, and Derek wondered if it was some type of hoax. But when they eased into the mainstream of traffic, chaos confronted them. Drivers turned in the middle of the road, passed on the shoulder, cut in and out, showing off their skill in amazing ways.             

 Derek decided to turn around. Signaling, and not giving the car behind him time to pass, Derek spun the wheel, bringing his bumper right up to the paint of another car. The driver shook his fist and mouthed something, but Derek ignored him, backed up, then zoomed off in the opposite direction. After a half mile they encountered another traffic jam. This time they saw the reason. Police were stopping everyone and checking their identification.

“Oh, boy,” Derek muttered, leaning his head back against the head rest.

June switched on the radio. An announcer’s voice came through the static. “Motorists are asked to avoid St. Vincent Street where the Police Headquarters building is still smoldering after this afternoon’s bombing —”

Derek switched off the radio, cursing under his breath. June’s face had gone pale. She stretched out her hand to turn the radio back on, but he growled, “Leave it alone.”

“I heard something about Police Headquarters —”

“I said leave it alone.” He spoke through clenched teeth, his knuckles white as he gripped the steering. He dared not look at her. He hated speaking to her like that especially after the lovely time they had just had, but he was scared as he’d never been in his life. His father worked at Police Headquarters.

So, I won’t hold you up any longer. Get your copy of In the Promised Land while the price is still $2.99.

Tomorrow, June 29th, will be one year since In the Promised Land, Cbook 3 of the Egypt trilogy, made its debut into the world. And in order to to celebrate, I have arranged a countdown deal starting today and going up to Jul. 1. Join me and others who have read and enjoyed this gripping novel by celebrating this important milestone.

Here’s what one reviewer had to say about In the Promised Land:

 In the Promised Land is a captivating story of family and forbidden love. A story that captures your attention at the very beginning and holds it until the unexpected ending. In the Promised Land will take you on an emotional roller coaster that will have you laughing one minute and crying the next. A story that will stay with you long after reading. I was so drawn in that I finished reading this in one night. In the Promised Land is the perfect beach read. – Truly Trendy

In the Promised Land – Backstory

If you have been reading my blog, you would know that
In the Promised Land is based on a true event—a horrible blotch on the history of Trinidad & Tobago that took place when a small Islamic group calling themselves the Jamaat al Muslimeen staged a short-lived coup. They held the government hostage, killed innocent people and caused widespread carnage. Marva, the protagonist, and her family—like the rest of the country—were deeply shaken by this event.

Always the levelheaded one, the rest of the family looked to her to help them make sense of this terrible tragedy, but for the first time in her adult life, Marva felt her faith floundering. It was against this background she came to realize that loving a man and needing his support when unthinkable situations arise did not mean she loved or needed God any less.

In the Promised Land wraps up the Egypt series, which has sexual abuse as its central topic Before I leave you, what is the biggest issue you have about this topic? Do you think enough is being done in today’s society to help victims of sexual abuse? Drop me a line and let me know your thoughts. To learn more about my books and special offers, please sign up for my newsletter.

Contemporary Christian Fiction
Date Published: June 11th

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Danger lurks around every corner for career military man and government, secret operative Nehemiah Bolden. When he continues to have nightmares of an assignment gone wrong, he decides it is time to retire from the military and find another career path. Just one thing stopping him, a ghost from his past.

Nehemiah meets an attractive woman while on vacation and has an overwhelming need to protect her. He soon discovers that meeting her is more than a coincidence. Over the years, he has kept her safe but now their pasts may put their lives in jeopardy again. They need to both trust in a love like no other.

About the Author

Lisa Washington is a Contemporary Christian Fiction author and a serial entrepreneur. She is the co-founder of the Washington Way LLC, which is the umbrella company for Washington Way Publishing, Washington Way Travel, Washington Way Financial and Ms. Lisa Weddings.

Her first novel When You Least Expect It received an African American Literary Show Award for Best Christian Fiction. She has also published More Than You Know, which is the second novel of the Faith Series.

Lisa Washington was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. After serving in the United States Navy, she then went on to obtain a Bachelor of Arts from Wayne State University, an MBA from Averett University and an MFA in creative writing from Butler University.

She now resides in Noblesville, Indiana with her family.

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Facebook: @authorlisawashington

Instagram: @authorlisawashington

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Novel excerpt:

“Angel, Keep your eyes open. The informant said we’d know him when we see him.”

“Copy that, Civic.”

Darkness filled the room and smoke seeped from the vents.  Someone was trying to make visibility near impossible. Nehemiah switched to his night vision goggles. He was perched just inside of the furnace room in the back of the hotel’s ballroom. He counted 22 hostages and four shooters.  The smoke was making it difficult for Nehemiah to keep his eyes on the target.

“Angel, come in.”

“Go, Civic.”

“We have a friendly to your 9 o’clock.”

Nehemiah heard her voice before all hell broke loose and shots rang out.

Nehemiah sat straight up in bed, drenched in a full sweat. Like every other night, the terrors woke him up at the same moment in the dream. He relived that tragic event, night after night.  Why him? Why her? He always questioned himself. Nothing could change the past, but the dreams continued to come.

Like clockwork, he went into the kitchen of his one-bedroom apartment in Portsmouth, VA and grabbed a beer from the refrigerator. He sat in front of his television, but never turned it on. Nehemiah wanted to close his eyes, but every time he did, he saw her face, her eyes, and her blood.

Draining the contents of the bottle, he went back into his bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. Face to palms, he sat there for a few minutes, feeling weary.

“Come back to bed. It’s cold under these sheets,” a soft feminine voice said.

Nehemiah needed to stop this philandering he was doing. His actions went against every principle and every value he was raised with.

“I’ll be right there,” he responded.

What was her name? He couldn’t remember her name or where he met her. Yeah, it was time to change his lifestyle.

From the far-flung reaches of South Africa to the sun-kissed shores of South Carolina, USA, author Muriel Gill takes us on a heart-warming journey of family dynamics, second chances and the power of redemption. Scared Courage begins with Neo, the black South African wife of a wealthy European businessman, discovering that her husband has amassed his wealth through illegal and criminal means.

This discovery so disturbs Neo she divorces her husband and returns to live with her mother in the poorer neighborhood in which she grew up. At first, she can only speak to her children on the phone but later she has them on weekends.

Eventually, Neo plucks up her courage and tells the police everything she knows about her husband’s activities. Gregory, Neo’s husband, is not a man to be trifled with. He plots to kill her, but his daughter is the one who meets with the accident he’d arranged. Fortunately, the girl survives. With the help of the police, Neo and her children flee South Africa and build a new life for themselves in the United States.

The characters in Scared Courage are well developed, but Neo is a shining example of what every single mother ought to be. Firm, but loving, gentle and patient, she guides her children into making the transition from a life of opulence to one of barely getting by.  

Although the family faces some challenges adjusting to their new life, I sometimes felt that everything happened too easily for them. I think some descriptive passages, especially of places in Africa, would have made the story come alive to us. Also, the author’s overuse of repetitions tended to draw me out of the narrative at times. But overall, I enjoyed the story and was very touched by the ending.

Scared Courage was published by Pizazz Publishing and is available from Amazon at

It’s no secret that we spend more time with our devices than with our loved ones. And although it provides a solution for family members looking to reduce their screen time, at its heart The Well-Balanced Family is about learning to take the newly-available time and channel it toward strengthening family connections, spending more quality time together, and supporting each other in developing healthy, productive, and enjoyable lifestyles.

The Well-Balanced Family focuses on four areas: Connectedness, Open Communication, Fitness, and Organization. Using an evidence-based approach, author Robert Myers, PhD teaches parents how to encourage developmental play activities, develop avid readers, instill cooperation and mutual respect, improve physical fitness, build self-esteem and character, and reduce struggles over bedtime, chores, and homework. It also provides tips for helping kids safely make the most of their screen time.

If your family is more interested in their phones and tablets than in each other, The Well-Balanced Family will teach you everything you need to reclaim that sense of familial connection and love.

#whattoread #bookstagram #igreads #booksofig #bookwormsfeature #becauseofreading #welovebooks #rabtbooktours #nonfiction #parenting #families @RABTBookTours

  • Parenting, Families
  • Publisher: BookBaby
  • Published: April 2019






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Wisdom, Volume 2
/ Relationships
March 2019
Publisher: iUniverse
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is an easy to read book that has everyday situations described about life, sex,
and love. It is an accumulation of my blogs where thousands of people have
avoided or improved their lives as a result of my over thirty years experience
as a licensed therapist and sex educator. It is meant to be shared and enjoyed
while learning.
Other Books in the Woozie Wisdom Series
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Woozie Wisdom Publisher:
is a lively, fun, down to earth book with helpful ways to look at life, sex,
and love. It offers practical applications to make life fulfilled and joyful.
While there is no all-knowing guru, my over forty years of experience as a
relationship counselor and sex educator provides some answers for problems as
well as how to avoid them.
Wisdom won a national first runner up award from Eric Hoffer.
for Woozie Wisdom:
Lynn Hubschman has constructed a book that gives grandmotherly advice to those
that might have missed out on important life tips. In earlier chapters she
talks about common sense tips as they relate to living a happy healthy and
vibrant life.” —Pacific Book Review
this book and then empower yourself to make any necessary changes. Hubschman
advises but she says it more indirectly and comically when she says, ‘So listen
to what you say and how you say it. Listen to what the people around you talk
about. If you want to throw up…. move on.’ The breadth of the book’s content
is unparalleled.” —The US Review of Books
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the Author

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Hubschman is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and also its’ School
of Social Work.She has been a marriage counselor and family therapist over
thirty years. Has been Director of Family Life Education for Jewish Family
Service and then Director of Social Work at America’s oldest hospital;
Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. Has always had a private practice and
appeared on major TV talk shows. She has written three other books including
‘Transsexuals. Life From Both Sides.’
RABT Book Tours & PR

In the Promised Land, book 3 of the Egypt trilogy went on a virtual tour with RABT tours over the last two weeks. The book was featured on a number of websites, and two readers posted reviews.

Here’s what one of them had to say:

This is a third in a series and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each and every one of the characters Angela Joseph brought to the books. 

Joseph’s novels will have readers captivated by her characters. The characters are real and very well developed, they make it easy for you as the reader to be drawn into. This is not just true for this installment, it’s the same for all of her writings.

There was something wonderful about how simple it was. I didn’t have to overthink things. There was plenty of comic relief in it to lighten any of the deeper moments.

I’m glad I was lucky enough to spend some time with these characters over the last 3 books. – Texas Book Nook

Here’s what another reader had to say:

In the Promised Land is a captivating story of family and forbidden love. A story that captures your attention at the very beginning and holds it until the unexpected ending. In the Promised Land will take you on an emotional roller coaster that will have you laughing one minute and crying the next. A story that will stay with you long after reading. I was so drawn in that I finished reading this in one night. In the Promised Land is the perfect beach read. **I received a complimentary copy in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.** – Truly Trendy

After reading those reviews, I suppose you won’t need any further encouragement to see if what those reviewers said is true. You can purchase a copy now at the discounted price of $1.99 or read it for free on Kindle Unlimited.

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Fiction – Religion & Spirituality
Release Date: April 9, 2019
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As Rachel Williams, a renowned television journalist, covers the signing of a historical peace accord in Jerusalem, a terrorist strike levels several of the Holy Land’s most ancient, sacred sites – sites important to Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. As international tensions rise due to the incident, Rachel finds a long-forgotten email she received months earlier foretelling these events. An email she dismissed because it came from a man whom she considered a religious nut. When Rachel locates the sender, he gives her a Bible containing handwritten notes deciphering the Book of Revelation. After another terrorist attack occurs – one written about in the man’s notes – Rachel embarks on an adventure of spiritual discovery that leads to unraveling the greatest mystery of all time: The rise of the Antichrist and the return of Jesus to Earth! And where she, an agnostic, plays a significant role in the Biblical End Times and the Battle of Armageddon.
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About the Authors
Jack Snyder is a prolific award-winning screenwriter with eight produced screenplays under his belt, three of which he directed. His films have been distributed by major studios and have shown theatrically and aired on major cable networks. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences – the Oscar folks – requested a copy of one of his screenplays for its Core Collection, to be used for research and study purposes by producers, academics, and students. In his free time, Jack likes to hang out with his family and their two Chihuahuas on Zuma Beach in Malibu.

Syed Nadim Rizvi is a writer and community-leader who is best known for his great communication skills. He’s multilingual in English, Urdu, Punjabi and Hindi languages. And is an excellent orator within the Muslim community. Nadim is concerned with the current tensions and misunderstandings amongst the followers of the Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). It is for this reason he has studied the Holy Quran thoroughly with English and Urdu translation. He wanted to investigate for himself the true meaning of the Holy Scripture and not be influenced by others, particularly those who negatively distort the image of Islam. He has devoted his life towards promoting peace and harmony in the world.
Pamela Cosel is a freelance writer, editor and former journalist whose overall career path has been in communication. She was first published in newspapers in 1980 and later in print and online magazines. She has worked as a digital content editor/managing editor in television news for two TV stations:  KXRM in Colorado Springs, CO, and KXAN in Austin, TX. While at KXRM, she was an online blogger for the news station at the Democratic National Convention the year Barack Obama secured the presidential nomination.
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RABT Book Tours & PR

Contemporary Romance, Women’s Fiction
Date Published: July 2018
Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing
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Audacious lady rancher confronts Beverly Hills tycoon.
Kate Clark was content with life on her Montana ranch, until she met billionaire developer, Jarrett Sinclair; a meeting that changed both their lives forever.  Overwhelmed by her beauty, Sinclair lavished Kate with affection.  During which, she got wind an anonymous developer was scheming to break up her ranch for a colossal resort he sought to build.  Sinclair kept his identity as the developer secret as he quietly coped with the ravages of CTE, a football related brain injury.  As his health deteriorated, Kate cared for her friend only to discover he owned the development company bent on destroying her life.
On learning that, she struggled to comfort the man she loved but despised for being the developer.  In the end Kate kept her ranch but at an incredible cost.
Gorgeous lady rancher with a figure that turned men’s heads was committed to restoring her family ranch to the largest in Montana, is confronted by a Beverly Hills developer out to breakup her land for his own personal gain.
A scintillating, fast-paced, confrontation between a fifth-generation rancher, and a dashing, charismatic rogue, out to get whatever he wants.  Kate Clark was content with life on her Montana ranch, until she met billionaire playboy Jarrett Sinclair, a meeting that forever changed her life.  Following in her father’s footsteps, Kate wrangled cattle, bulldogged steers, and broke horses with the best of men.  She had her life neatly laid out.  She was going to marry her neighbor and acquire the remaining properties she needed to restore the family ranch to the largest in the state.  Everything was going as planned until Sinclair received pictures of her swimming naked in a mountain lake.
Overwhelmed by her beauty, Sinclair went after her with a passion.  He lavished her with affection.  Her life could not have been more exciting.  At the same time, she got wind that an anonymous developer was scheming to break up her ranch for a colossal resort they sought to build.  In her fight to save her ranch, Kate was forced to take on roles she never wanted while dealing with Sinclair’s amorous advances and deteriorating health.  Sinclair kept his identity as the developer secret as he quietly struggled with the ravages of CTE, the life-threatening football- related brain injury.  While caring for Sinclair, Kate suddenly learned he owned the company bent on destroying her ranch.  On discovering that, she was torn between abhorring him as the developer and comforting the gravely ill man she hopelessly loved.
About the Author

J Saltwick’s mastery of real life scintillating adult drama shines in Brazen Desires – Desperate Hours.  Writing from the heart, Saltwick draws on a wealth of education and personal life experiences to build an exciting story.  Saltwick blends those strengths with a unique creativity to portray how a sheltered, though strong willed woman can compete with men on their level, and win.  Saltwick’s principle character, Kate Clark, comes across as a real woman with the fortitude to take charge of today’s daunting challenges.  Kate’s inner cowgirl roots, reinforced by her male upbringing, gives her the strength to face down the billionaire developer, Jason Sinclair. Intent on breaking up Kate’s ranch for a colossal resort he plans to build Sinclair doesn’t care who he hurts.  Unwilling to let go of her dream of returning her family ranch to being the largest in Montana, Kate takes on Sinclair and his male ego with surprising results.
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