Tomorrow, June 29th, will be one year since In the Promised Land, Cbook 3 of the Egypt trilogy, made its debut into the world. And in order to to celebrate, I have arranged a countdown deal starting today and going up to Jul. 1. Join me and others who have read and enjoyed this gripping novel by celebrating this important milestone.
Here’s what one reviewer had to say about In the Promised Land:
In the Promised Land is a captivating story of family and forbidden love. A story that captures your attention at the very beginning and holds it until the unexpected ending. In the Promised Land will take you on an emotional roller coaster that will have you laughing one minute and crying the next. A story that will stay with you long after reading. I was so drawn in that I finished reading this in one night. In the Promised Land is the perfect beach read. – Truly Trendy
In the Promised Land – Backstory
If you have been reading my blog, you would know that
In the Promised Land is based on a true event—a horrible blotch on the history of Trinidad & Tobago that took place when a small Islamic group calling themselves the Jamaat al Muslimeen staged a short-lived coup. They held the government hostage, killed innocent people and caused widespread carnage. Marva, the protagonist, and her family—like the rest of the country—were deeply shaken by this event.
Always the levelheaded one, the rest of the family looked to her to help them make sense of this terrible tragedy, but for the first time in her adult life, Marva felt her faith floundering. It was against this background she came to realize that loving a man and needing his support when unthinkable situations arise did not mean she loved or needed God any less.
In the Promised Land wraps up the Egypt series, which has sexual abuse as its central topic Before I leave you, what is the biggest issue you have about this topic? Do you think enough is being done in today’s society to help victims of sexual abuse? Drop me a line and let me know your thoughts. To learn more about my books and special offers, please sign up for my newsletter.