We are on to the letter H in the A – Z blog challenge, and my H has to do with writing headlines that sell. It goes without saying that whatever you write must aim to attract the attention of potential readers. If your blog or article is to stand up to the vast competition out there, you need to be able to write compelling headlines. Therefore, if you’re looking for more traffic or more sales, your article headline must be:
1. Attention-grabbing. It must appeal to the emotions or the needs of your target audience. Study headlines in newspapers, magazine covers and brochures and see what makes you turn to that page. Let’s look at a few: Is your child’s asthma really under control? Do you swear by a schedule – or at it? Social Media Marketing for Authors. All of these headlines will appeal to a special of group. The first, to mothers of children suffering with asthma; the second, to people interested in time management – the executive, the student, the working mother with young children – and the third, of course, to authors.
2. Unambiguous. It must tell you in a few words exactly what you are getting, without being quirky or boring.
3. Specific and benefit driven. Lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks by following these simple tips is more specific than Lose weight by following these simple tips. Anyone anxious to lose those stubborn pounds will want to continue reading.
4. Keyword rich – I usually get caught up in my subject matter and pay no attention to keywords, but they are what bring your blog or article to the attention of Google and other search engines.
Pay attention to your blog headlines and you will see your blog traffic increase and this should translate into more sales.