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Literary Fiction

Date Published: October 26, 2022

Publisher: MindStir Media

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Sitting on a Rainbow: A 21st century Irish American Morality Tale, is a story of severe loss and courageous resilience, financial markets and malfeasances, Irish history and mythology, despicable greed and justice rendered, and broken promises remaining to be mended.

Set in West Palm Beach, Fl. in 2013, or thereabouts, protagonist Patrick Connelly (a.k.a. Paddy or Pat) is a mid-fifties paraplegic and veteran stockbroker/financial adviser at a major Wall Street firm.

About the Author

First-time author James Patrick Rooney was born in Bronx, New York, raised in Westchester County and has been living and working in Northern Palm Beach County, Florida for his entire adult life. Young Jimmy’s first loves included sports, particularly ice hockey, a variety of music and culture, and his adopted homeland of Ireland.

When a hockey-related injury at age nineteen left him a paraplegic, he turned his focus away from the physical toward developing his mind. Soon after finishing college at then infamous “Suntan U,” he began a successful thirty-year career in financial advisory with a major Wall Street firm. About that same time, he met his enduring love – his family. Married to Cindy ever since, together they’ve raised two superb children, Patrick and Megan, who are now thriving young adults.

While managing an ambitious reading group (2005-2014), Jim was inspired to write more competently (i.e., several college-level creative writing courses and other modes of self-learning). To hone his skills he wrote short stories, imaginary book reviews for his reading group, and later edited and authored articles for the lifestyle website Throomers (2018-2020). After stepping away from financial advisory in 2014, he began working on his first novel. As is often said, starting with a few core ideas the story then wrote itself.

Part memoir, part fiction, part fantasy, Sitting on a Rainbow is an honest look at living with disability, while it also offers an insider’s view of retail financial advisory and celebrates the current-day relevance of Irish history and mythology. Jim hopes his lighthearted, romantic, suspenseful, and cautionary morality tale will entertain all who come and sit on the rainbow with him.


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Women’s Christian Fiction and  Romance 

Date Published: March 7, 2023

Publisher: Jess Mo Books

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Sometimes genuine love requires uncompromising sacrifice.


It’s easy to make an idol of routine—finding comfort in the boundaries set before you. Something About Ruth is an intricately woven, magnificently crafted story about three ordinary strangers, who, after Katrina, are plucked from their own securities and set against unordinary circumstances. But fate brings them together.


Ruth, an outsider.

Naomi, a wounded mother.

Boaz, a no-nonsense man of character.


The path that brings them all together is scarred with the pain of loss, the bitterness of starting over, and the faith that sustains them.


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About the Author

JC Miller is a freshly anointed, faith-based author who uses her childhood experiences in the Bronx, New York, to capture the soul of inner-city living. As a former student of Chicago’s Moody Bible Institute and a graduate of the Te’Hillah School of Urban Ministry, Miller utilizes her studies to intertwine pop culture with divine accounts of biblical characters. Through sharing these stories, her goals are to encourage people to study the bible and not make it complicated, to view themselves through the lives of those characterized, and to find healing in Christ.

JC Miller recently co-founded a publishing company, Jess, Mo’ Books, with her childhood friend, M.R. Spain. Together, these ladies are creating fresh content to uplift, educate, and motivate women through blogs, social media groups, and a yearly online magazine.

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Stories About God’s Love

Children’s Inspirational Books, Children’s Christian Books

Date Published: January 31, 2022

Publisher: Lucid Books


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This is a sweet little book about how much God loves His children and some of the promises He makes to them: He promises to always love them no matter what, to take care of them when things are not the way we want, and to always be there when it seems He is not.

Dear Child: Stories About God’s Love will snuggle generations of children in its heartwarming message of God’s Love, promises, and protection. These stories show that all love comes from God and that He wants us to love Him too.

In these touching stories and beautiful illustrations, the author wants every child to know they are truly loved, no matter their circumstances.

About the Author

Terri Comer grew up in beautiful East Tennessee and now resides in gorgeous Daytona Beach, Florida, with her husband Roy, her younger son Grayson, and two balls of fur named Louie and Darby. She also loves to visit her older son Zane and daughter-in-law Lulu at their home in New York City. Terri considers herself a lifelong learner and has been an early childhood educator for over twenty years. Over those years, Terri attended Midway Elementary and High School and loved teaching and sharing her gifts with thousands of students in the following schools: Tusculum View Elementary, Bowers Elementary, Coalfield School, Bennett Elementary, Beachside Elementary, East Tennessee State University, University of Tennessee, and the University of North Florida. She continues to cheer them on and loves to acknowledge them in subtle ways throughout her work. When she isn’t teaching, Terri loves chasing rainbows, listening to music, going for walks on the beach, and spending time with friends and family.

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  Books 1, Cavendish Family Chronicles

Historical Romance (steamy)

Date Published: August 26, 2021

A penniless widow. A baron running from love. Will a marriage of convenience save them or tear them apart?

Widow Sarah Pennington has no time for love. Sending a son to Harrow is not cheap, and her husband’s lies left them in poverty. When she loses her position at the bookshop, she knows marriage isn’t the answer. Only her own hard work will save the day.

It seems Baron Eaden can’t love a woman without her dying. To keep his daughters, and his heart, safe, he roams the world, keeping his distance. But when his hunt for a rare book brings him back to London, he knows he must do the one thing he’s avoided for years—find them a mother. He needs a woman who’s up to the challenge, not one to fall in love with. Because he’s vowed never to make that mistake again.

The determined, lovely-eyed widow in the bookshop challenges Henry in every way. She’s exactly who his daughters need. But she’d rather have the book he’s after than his hand in marriage.

A marriage of convenience could save Sarah and her son, but when she finds passion in the baron’s arms, she realizes security isn’t enough. She wants Henry’s heart. If he can find the courage to trust her with it.


Sarah stopped their progress and pulled away from him. Twisting her hands in front of her, she watched her son walk farther ahead then drew in a breath, and seemed to conquer whatever ailed her. Henry enjoyed watching the process of her gathering fortitude for whatever it was she was about to say.

Did you truly come back to issue a third proposal of marriage?”

You know I have.”

She smirked. “Third time’s the charm?”

No. That suggests luck. Luck doesn’t obtain much of anything important. I’ve come prepared this time.” He resisted looking toward James. He kept his eyes pinned on hers. “The first time I proposed I did so on a moment’s whim. The second time, I’d determined that my whim was logical and correct, but I was not in the best of states to make a persuasive argument.”

She eyed him from boots to hat. “And you are in a better state now?” she asked.

While James had been fitted for new clothes, Henry had returned to Steven’s for a bath and a shave. He knew he didn’t make a shabby picture.

I believe I am prepared.” Henry stepped closer and untwisted Mrs. Pennington’s hands. Folding them in his own, he said, “Mrs. Pennington, we just met yesterday, but I believe we have much to offer one another. I’ll not repeat those arguments I made yesterday. You know them as well as I. Instead, I’ll say what I did not and should have.”

He’d not said words like he was about to say to any woman in over five years, and he’d never said them to anyone on so short an acquaintance. But they must be said. They were true, he found, despite it all. He reached a hand to her temple where a curl had escaped her simple chignon.

I think you’re exquisite,” he said. “I think you’re smart. I think you’re brave. I think there’s no woman in England I’d rather marry half as much as you.”

She blinked several times. Her mouth parted slightly. Her chest rose and fell faster than it had moments before.

I have one more argument, and it may be my most persuasive yet.”


He snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her against his chest. He dipped his head until their noses touched. “Always put your best argument last.” His lips brushed hers before sinking in to drink long and full. The kiss was to him like water to the desert-lost soul. Her soft curves pushed against his chest, her long, strong back beneath his fingertips, all overwhelmed his senses.

When her hands flattened against his chest, flexed, then roamed upward to wind around his neck, he moaned, then parted her lips with his tongue to drink of her more deeply.

She let him make a spectacle of them both in the street until he was convinced, completely and utterly, of her answer. He grinned in their kiss, pulling away to view her flushed face.

Well?” he asked. “Are you persuaded?” He needed to hear her say it. Yes.

Her hands still curled around his neck, and she stood on tiptoe, leaning against him. Her body resting against his for balance, for stability, felt like perfection. Better than the hot Egyptian sun. Better than a soft bed or warm bath. Better than being back at Cavendish Manor.

She smiled, bit her lip. He knew what her smile meant. It meant victory.

About The Author

Charlie Lane traded in academic databases and scholarly journals for writing steamy Regency romcoms like the ones she’s always loved to read. Her favorite authors are Jane Austen (who else?), Toni Morrison, William Blake, Julia Quinn, Tessa Dare, and Amanda Quick, and when she’s not writing humorous conversations, dramatic confrontations, or sexy times, she’s flying high in the air as a circus-obsessed acrobat.

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Christian, Spiritual Growth, Religious, Inspirational

Date Published: May 2, 2020

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Have you ever found yourself in a tough life situation and couldn’t find a way to get out of it?

Have you ever wondered what your true capabilities are and how to reveal your full potential?

Or maybe, you are seeking a tool that would boost up your motivation and teach you valuable life lessons?



I think this book will definitely make a shift in your life, so keep reading…



“THIS IS YOUR SHIFTING SEASON” – a book that is going to change your perception about your true inner power,  teach you valuable life lessons and show what is possible with dedication and the right strategies.



We all had good and bad times in our life, we all made mistakes, and we all have regrets. And it doesn’t matter what those times, mistakes or regrets are. If you are still living on this planet, you have the right to get better and move forward, just like I did…

Being lost for about 22 years, I finally found my life path, discovered strategies, and rules that led me out of the very bottom of my life. Years spent in and out jails, drug and alcohol addictions are now my past. I even managed to get them out of my brain. After so many years of darkness, I decided to dedicate my life to help others to find their own life path.


Here is just a short brief of what you are going to learn:


How to find your purpose in life?

RULES OF MANUAL TRANSMISSION – learn how to accelerate your life

Find your real destination. What is truly important?

The best way to start your SHIFTING SEASON

What is your real potential – a self-identification guide

Much much more…



And it doesn’t matter whether you believe in God or not, you are 20 years old or 60 years old, male or female, the strategies and rule inside this book will help you as much as it helped others.

Now it is your turn to make a decision, to take the first step, and turn on your unlimited life engine.


About the Author

Michael Mickey Williams Jr. an Atlantic City New Jersey native was once homeless, eating food out of trash cans, suicidal, addicted to heroin, and crack cocaine. He spent 22 years of his life in-and-out of jails and rehabilitation centers since he was a teenager. Nowadays, however, he’s married, a substance abuse counselor, a minister, and a ten-time published author with titles like “Pushed out the Crack House into God’s house, My Purpose is Greater than my struggles, and I’m a Giant Killer to name a few, he’s also one of the Co-founders of The Minor Adjustments Program which is dedicated to preventing and reducing crimes, their primary purpose is to teach men and women how to make the “Minor Adjustments” that are necessary for their lives, Their motto is “Anywhere but backward” Mr. Williams is a dedicated advocate for those who are struggling with addictions or criminal lifestyles, mainly because he struggled with those same barriers.

Beyond the Minor Adjustments Program, It is said that he was named “Preacher Boy” by his beautiful wife Lernell Apple Williams, his style of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ makes it easy for him to communicate to both the common people and the religious, his stated that he tries to use everyday language already familiar to his culture, with a purpose to always try to touch individual personal needs at the same time communicate spiritual truth.

As a father of seven, with four grandkids he credits his parents as the source of his perseverance and sense of self-reliance. After 22 years of being in bondage to addiction, Mr. Williams continues to be one of today’s most inspirational, encouraging, and influential men today.

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Date Published: February 18, 2020

Brandyn (Brandy) Harris, a lonely, abused, and terminally ill twelve-year-old boy builds his private virtual world outside the knowledge of his strict and abusive parents. Denied the ability to interact with other kids in his everyday life, Brandy finds refuge within the confines of the Internet in his early stages, where it appealed primarily to the outcasts, and a close group of virtual teen friends.

The Legacy offers a unique, unparalleled glimpse into the mind of abused children while this abuse is taking place amid the hysteria surrounding the Satanic Ritual Abuse Panic of the early 1990s. An outstanding page-turner, it gives you an unprecedented, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience, through first-hand, day-to-day accounts as they occur, a real-world of childhood desperation and painful secrets, a world-known by millions of children, but never openly shared with adults.

You’ll feel Brandy’s feelings, cry his tears and laugh with him on the good days as you’ll journey through the candid and honest secrets of an abusive childhood, as Brandy’s correspondences are written by kids, for kids. Thus, you’ll learn the truths kids only tell their friends, outside the inherent inhibitions derived from adult interference.

This book is the first volume in an epic book series based on real events and the writings and correspondences of a terminally ill young boy who is also enduring a life of physical, emotional and sexual abuse.

About the author:

Brandyn Cross is a multi-media artist, as an accomplished writer, recording artist, songwriter, filmmaker, and actor. 

Brandyn is the writer/producer of the major live event Jackie Evancho & Friends: We are Hope, which was also filmed for television broadcast as multiple concert specials. 

As a singer/songwriter Brandyn scored the international top 10 hits Dear Mr. Jesus and If Money Talks (It Ain’t on Speakin’ Terms With Me), and the top10 music video I Will Always Love You. He won BEST SONG at the prestigious Utah Film Festival & Awards for his composition and recording of Love Again, as featured in the television series Proper Manors.

As an actor and filmmaker, Brandyn has worked on numerous projects such as Unicorn City and The Wayshower, as well as Alienate and Being Charlie with Rob Reiner. He is presently in post-production on his feature directorial debut with the dark Emo drama, The Legacy.

Among his body of written work is the Feature Film The Legacy, currently in post-production and the recently completed Gary Coleman biography, As if I Never Existed, with Gary’s widow Shannon Price. Brandyn has optioned and produced multiple feature screenplays and has written over 100 episodes for various TV series and specials. Brandyn is presently releasing the first volumes in an epic book series, The Legacy.

Brandyn started exploring his creative gifts following a serious industrial accident that turned him into a wheelchair-bound amputee in addition to already being “high functioning” autistic. Determined to show the world that even severe obstacles can be overcome, Brandyn began developing his innate creative abilities, studying and honing his craft, until ultimately turning this ambition into a professional reality. Today, he continues this mission in earnest. 

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Ephesians 6 Devotionals to Empower and Make You Victorious in Everyday Struggles
Religious: Christian Spiritual Warfare
Publisher: Creativity Publishing

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Is spiritual warfare real? Are you aware of how you’re being attacked? Equipped takes a detailed look at God, at our enemy, and at our response.

Everyday struggles happen, but you can be victorious.

In Africa, people believe in spirit beings. Witch doctors cast spells. People dance barefoot over red-hot coals without being burned. Spiritual warfare is obvious.

In other cultures, the spiritual battle is not so evident. Still, it is very real. Homes are divided by discord and divorce. Parents are overly busy. Children are lured into drugs and sex-trafficking. Churches are complacent and powerless. Is there hope?

Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10 NIV). What’s stopping you from living life to the full? Read Equipped. Become aware. Put on your spiritual armour as described in Ephesians six. Stand firm. Pray.

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“We can’t meet under the great tree anymore!”


“Because, the gods are angry and they struck the tree with lightening.”

I first learned about spiritual warfare while growing up in southern Africa where my parents served as missionaries. In Africa, people believe in spirit beings. In Africa, the battle is obvious. One congregation my father served held their services under a huge tree near Shashe, Botswana. Lightning struck that tree and fear invaded. I witnessed my parents praying and calling on believers to continue to meet under that tree as a witness to unbelievers. Church services continued in the shade of the tree. No one died. No one became ill. The congregation grew.

In North America and other first world countries, the battle is not so obvious, but it is still very real.  In some ways it is more insidious and dangerous, because it is hidden. Here we battle against conforming to the norms of a society that scoffs at God and the Bible. In our personal lives, we are lulled into just drifting along in our spiritual life instead of guarding our hearts and minds and standing firm in God’s truth. Our homes are too often divided by divorce, our churches powerless in complacency.

In the greatest story ever told, the plot is good versus evil. We live in a world where people often focus only on the physical—what we can touch or taste. But there is another dimension that is very real, the spiritual dimension. God is real, and so is Satan. We are in a spiritual battle, whether we acknowledge it or not. Denying gravity exists doesn’t nullify the effects of gravity. So too, denying spiritual conflict doesn’t make it disappear. The only choice we have is whether we follow God into battle or not. In John 10:10 Jesus says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

God has provided information on spiritual warfare in his Word, the Bible. We don’t have to enter the battle groping around like blind men. God provides weapons, fights the battle for us, and even lets us know how it is all going to end. We can read the last chapter of the story about life on this earth and know without a doubt that God wins (Revelation 20, 21). That doesn’t mean we should sit back and do nothing. The number of casualties in this war—people who reject God and face eternity without Him—can be reduced if you and I obey God.

In Matthew 17 we read about a father who brought his son to Jesus’ disciples because the son had seizures and often fell into fire or water. The disciples were unable to help. We are told in verse 18 that “Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment.” Jesus goes on to tell the disciples that they were not able to help the boy because of their lack of faith.

I present these devotionals to you as a fellow pilgrim. Every day is a new battle. I try to start each day with Bible reading and prayer. However, I still fail. Often, I need to repent, confess my sin, then get up and put my armour on before I carry on. I’m thankful that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ (Romans 8:35, 37-39)!

Perhaps our world is in the condition it is in because WE lack faith and fail to obey. What if everyone who says they believe in Jesus were to read and study the Bible? What if we all chose to live in obedience to what the Bible says? What if we trusted God to work in us and through us to do the impossible? What if we put on the spiritual armour God has provided and stood against the Devil and his hosts? What if we prayed under the guidance of the Holy Spirit?

Satan knows the end of the story too. When Jesus Christ died and rose again, he defeated Satan. Satan knows he cannot win the war, but he is working at winning skirmishes. The Evil One is out to destroy families, to break up marriages, and to lead people into addictions that destroy them.

You will find there is a lot of material to absorb. I encourage you to take your time reading and studying the material. Whether you read a devotional a day, or a devotional every week, take it at your own pace. Before you read, stop and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand what He wants to say to you. Then read with your Bible in hand, looking up and reading Scripture as you go. Each chapter has an example of how God can help you be victorious in everyday struggles. Each one ends with a question for reflection. If you like to journal, reflect and write about what you are learning. Perhaps you are an artistic person and prefer to paint or draw a picture, in response. This study is between you and God, so respond in a way that is meaningful to you. (If you’d like to share your responses, ask questions, or join me in prayer, you’re invited to my closed Facebook Group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/EquippedForVictory/; Use #EquippedForVictory on social media to connect with others. Sign up for Ruth’s email newsletter at: https://equipped.lpages.co/newsletter-sign-up/)

In this devotional, I use Ephesians 6:10-20 as a framework, many other supporting Scriptures included to add to our understanding, along with examples from my everyday life. The first few devotionals focus attention on our great God, our foundation when participating in spiritual warfare. Then we learn about our enemy. Next, we think about our responses and our armor. The last section deals with prayer. In the Appendix section you will find additional information and resources for further help and study.

The choice is ours. We can continue on in complacency, pretending there is no battle. Or, we can put on the armour God provides and be victorious. I pray that this book will present a clear, balanced overview of spiritual warfare that will inform, equip, and motivate us all as Prince and Princess Warriors of the King of Kings.

Let’s encourage and support each other as we continue to learn to be effective warriors. You can join the Equipped: Ephesians 6 Devotionals Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/EquippedForVictory/ to share what you are learning, ask for prayer, or participate in discussion. Sign up for Ruth’s email newsletter at: https://equipped.lpages.co/newsletter-sign-up/. Our hashtag on social media is #EquippedForVictory.

Your Sister Warrior,

Ruth L. Snyder

About the Author

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Ruth L. Snyder was privileged to spend the first 10 years of her life in southern Africa where her parents served as missionaries. From there her family moved to Canada, settling in Three Hills, Alberta. Ruth enjoyed her years as a “staff kid” at Prairie and is grateful for the biblical grounding she received there. She now resides close to Glendon (the pyrogy capital of Alberta, Canada) with her husband and five young children. Ruth enjoys writing articles, devotionals, short stories, and Christian fiction. She is a member of The Word Guild and The Christian PEN. Ruth currently serves as the President of InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship.

Ruth’s children have taught her many things about living with special needs. She is a strong advocate and spent several years serving on the local public school board.

Ruth loves her job teaching Music for Young Children. She is fascinated by children’s imaginations and enjoys helping young children learn the basics of music through play.

In her spare time, Ruth enjoys reading, crafts, volunteering in her local community, photography, and travel. Several years ago, Ruth and her family traveled through 28 States in 30 days!

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Today, I am happy to bring you an excerpt from A Greek Cat, a novel by Moshe Karasso.

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Novel, life story
Date Published: September 18, 2019

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“A Greek Cat,” by Moshe Karasso, artfully unfurls the incredible story of the son of a once wealthy, now impoverished Jewish family living on one of the Greek Islands.

In a spectacular feat of juggling, time is diverted forwards and backwards, between childhood and old age, presenting readers with a wide spectrum of events, people, and island vistas.

Karasso offers readers a glimpse into the lives of fishermen and their families, and, later in the novel, into the everyday culture of German Nazis both inside and outside their homes. All of these are recounted in the first person by a remarkably resourceful narrator who eventually loses his sanity.

Looking at this book in the broader context of Existentialist literature, one cannot help but compare it with the works of French writer Albert Camus, whose grasp of the absurdity of existence liberates man from the hope of a perfect human morality that demands life at any cost.

About the Author

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Born in Istanbul, Turkey in 1933. Married with three children. Lives in the Tel Aviv area of Israel.
Writes primarily essays and poems.
This is his first work of fiction.

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Excerpt – Childhood

On the island where I was born, there was a long pier that bisected the small and enchanting port into two. On either side, the fishing boats would drop anchor in the protected harbor, its green brackish water spotted with gasoline stains. The sunbeams that struck the water fractured into a thousand hues, and the seaweed and fish carcasses that floated on the surface rocked languidly with the waves. Sometime the smell of fish was so sharp that the island’s cats would rest on their haunches like sphinxes, inhaling the scent and waiting.

When the sun started to set and the boats were preparing for their evening fishing expeditions, the decks would light up with dozens of bright lanterns, and the hum of the motors would mingle with the fishermen’s shouted goodbyes. On stormy days, the drunken masts would sway this way and that, almost crossing each other. Sometimes a breathless boy would burst out of a side street and scan the twilight for his father’s boat. He would identify it almost immediately by its silhouette, and if the boat he was looking for was already on its way out of the harbor, he would run down the pier alongside the boat and call out to the fisherman. Then the boat would slow down and edge up to the pier, and the fisherman would scold the child for his tardiness. The sack of food would be expertly thrown from the boy’s hand towards the boat, and, after flying over the water for a second that seemed to me an eternity, land in the fisherman’s sure hands.

Contemporary Christian Fiction
Date Published: June 11th

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Danger lurks around every corner for career military man and government, secret operative Nehemiah Bolden. When he continues to have nightmares of an assignment gone wrong, he decides it is time to retire from the military and find another career path. Just one thing stopping him, a ghost from his past.

Nehemiah meets an attractive woman while on vacation and has an overwhelming need to protect her. He soon discovers that meeting her is more than a coincidence. Over the years, he has kept her safe but now their pasts may put their lives in jeopardy again. They need to both trust in a love like no other.

About the Author

Lisa Washington is a Contemporary Christian Fiction author and a serial entrepreneur. She is the co-founder of the Washington Way LLC, which is the umbrella company for Washington Way Publishing, Washington Way Travel, Washington Way Financial and Ms. Lisa Weddings.

Her first novel When You Least Expect It received an African American Literary Show Award for Best Christian Fiction. She has also published More Than You Know, which is the second novel of the Faith Series.

Lisa Washington was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. After serving in the United States Navy, she then went on to obtain a Bachelor of Arts from Wayne State University, an MBA from Averett University and an MFA in creative writing from Butler University.

She now resides in Noblesville, Indiana with her family.

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Instagram: @authorlisawashington

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Novel excerpt:

“Angel, Keep your eyes open. The informant said we’d know him when we see him.”

“Copy that, Civic.”

Darkness filled the room and smoke seeped from the vents.  Someone was trying to make visibility near impossible. Nehemiah switched to his night vision goggles. He was perched just inside of the furnace room in the back of the hotel’s ballroom. He counted 22 hostages and four shooters.  The smoke was making it difficult for Nehemiah to keep his eyes on the target.

“Angel, come in.”

“Go, Civic.”

“We have a friendly to your 9 o’clock.”

Nehemiah heard her voice before all hell broke loose and shots rang out.

Nehemiah sat straight up in bed, drenched in a full sweat. Like every other night, the terrors woke him up at the same moment in the dream. He relived that tragic event, night after night.  Why him? Why her? He always questioned himself. Nothing could change the past, but the dreams continued to come.

Like clockwork, he went into the kitchen of his one-bedroom apartment in Portsmouth, VA and grabbed a beer from the refrigerator. He sat in front of his television, but never turned it on. Nehemiah wanted to close his eyes, but every time he did, he saw her face, her eyes, and her blood.

Draining the contents of the bottle, he went back into his bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. Face to palms, he sat there for a few minutes, feeling weary.

“Come back to bed. It’s cold under these sheets,” a soft feminine voice said.

Nehemiah needed to stop this philandering he was doing. His actions went against every principle and every value he was raised with.

“I’ll be right there,” he responded.

What was her name? He couldn’t remember her name or where he met her. Yeah, it was time to change his lifestyle.

It’s no secret that we spend more time with our devices than with our loved ones. And although it provides a solution for family members looking to reduce their screen time, at its heart The Well-Balanced Family is about learning to take the newly-available time and channel it toward strengthening family connections, spending more quality time together, and supporting each other in developing healthy, productive, and enjoyable lifestyles.

The Well-Balanced Family focuses on four areas: Connectedness, Open Communication, Fitness, and Organization. Using an evidence-based approach, author Robert Myers, PhD teaches parents how to encourage developmental play activities, develop avid readers, instill cooperation and mutual respect, improve physical fitness, build self-esteem and character, and reduce struggles over bedtime, chores, and homework. It also provides tips for helping kids safely make the most of their screen time.

If your family is more interested in their phones and tablets than in each other, The Well-Balanced Family will teach you everything you need to reclaim that sense of familial connection and love.

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  • Parenting, Families
  • Publisher: BookBaby
  • Published: April 2019

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Well-Balanced-Family-Increase-Fitness-Connectedness-ebook/dp/B07PXMCRXR/

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-well-balanced-family-robert-f-myers/1130986236?ean=9781543961058

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-well-balanced-family

iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-well-balanced-family/id1457326524?mt=11&app=itunes

IndieBound: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781543961041

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