Coming Out of Egypt

“I could not put it down,” the lady said to me. “I could visualize everything clearly.” Those words were music to my ears, as they would be to any author. In my case, the lady was referring to Coming Out of Egypt, the first book in my Egypt trilogy.

The series chronicles the lives of two teenage sisters who survived sexual abuse by their father to eventually “come out of Egypt.” As you know, Egypt in the Bible represents a place of bondage–the place where the Israelites were kept in bondage for 400 years, until God delivered them by the hand of Moses. Therefore the title “Coming Out of Egypt” is a metaphor for the girls’ situation, but it’s also a literal one. The place where the story begins is called Egypt Village, or just Egypt, in Trinidad.

This compelling book is now available in paperback and will make a great Christmas gift for that book lover on your list. To whet your appetite, here’s the first chapter of the book. Just click on the link below.

Coming Out of Egypt – Chapter 1

If you enjoyed this chapter and would like to get the book in either kindle or paperback, just use the following links:

Coming Out of Egypt  

Coming Out of Egypt – paperback

If you want to learn more about my books and other projects, just sign up for my newsletter on the pop-up page. You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and  Book Bub

I don’t know about you but I love to read books that have some depth, that teach me something, take me places I’ve never been. In other words, books that transform me. So when I saw an offer to join a special promotion featuring books that transform, I was intrigued. The organizer described the promotion as one that would feature books that show how God’s truth transforms the lives of the characters. I believe if it transforms the characters’ lives it can transform ours as well.

And this is why I’ve added In the Promised Land, book 3 of the Egypt trilogy, to the list. This is a book that will surely transform the way you think about family, the mistakes we make in life and how God can turn those mistakes into a message. So, from now until Oct. 22, you can get your copy for just .99c along with other clean, Christian reads for around the same price.

I also wanted to share with you some pics from my long-awaited, bucket-list visit to Israel last month. It was a dream come true. Israel is indeed the Land of the Book. It was such a joy to visit the actual places we read about in the Bible and to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. I don’t have space or time to tell you everything I saw and did. I hope these pictures will be worth “more than a thousand words.”

In Cesarea

So there you have it. Drop me a line, ask questions and please leave a review on Amazon and let me -and other readers – know your thoughts on In the Promised Land. Until next time, remember you’re never alone when you read a book.

I will be participating in a book club reading and discussion of my book Coming Out of Egypt at the South Regional Broward College Library in Pembroke Pines on Saturday Sept. 28th at 2.00 p.m. If you live in this area, I would love to see you there.

In case you haven’t yet read Coming Out of Egypt, it is the first book in a series that features two sisters, sexual abuse survivors, and their heroic journey out of that horrible experience. I wrote this book to inspire victims of sexual abuse and to show them that just as the children of Israel came out of Egypt with God’s help, in the same way they too can come out of their Egypt and live a new and fulfilling life.

While the book is written from a Christian viewpoint, it is also entertaining and crosses genres of detective work, women’s fiction and YA. If you can’t make it on Saturday, please invite someone who may be able to attend and check out the book from your library. Also, right now , you can obtain the sequel In the Wilderness at the discounted price of .99c when you join this promo:

Care for a pillow fight anyone? Do you sometimes wish you had more time to enjoy your family, to have real adventures where everyone participated and bonded together? Well, now you can. In his book 52 Uncommon Family Adventures: Simple and Creative Ideas for Making Lifelong Memories with introduction by Gary Chapman, Randy Southern shows us how we can switch remove all the distractions that hinder us from spending quality time with our loved ones.

Book Description:

Connect with your family without breaking the bank.

When you dreamed of having a family you pictured outings, adventures, laughing around the kitchen table. But then the kids actually came and most of the time you’re too busy trying to keep up to figure out how to create a magical, screen-free environment where everyone feels loved, is having fun, and can connect. That’s why 52 Uncommon Family Adventures was written, it helps you do just that, without all the hassle and stress.

Whether it’s a family pillow fight, a lip-sync competition, or Toilet Paper Olympics, give your family the gift of lifelong memories while having fun, connecting spiritually, and speaking each other’s love languages. Enjoy all the benefits of the quality time you dreamed of without all the pressure of advanced planning.

Put down the phones, turn off the TV, and start making some memories together today.

Purchase Link:  Pick up your life-saving copy of fun at:

But don’t just take my word for it, have a look yourself at just how easy , FUN, and helpful this book is:  

Join the giveaway here:


Can you believe summer is almost over? The heat lingers, but soon it will be fall and cooler days will take over. It’s now the best time to stock up on your end-of-summer reading. What better way to do that than by participating in this special promo featuring a wide selection of books by your favorite authors in a variety of genres. Just go to

If you enjoyed this preview, why not share it with your friends, then get your copy by clicking on the end-of-summer link. After you have read it, please leave an honest review on Amazon.

Do you wish you had more courage to tackle the things in life that really matter? That you didn’t have to go through life pretending you are in control when you are not? If you answer yes to either of these questions, you stand to benefit from a new app created by Ann White, internationally known author, speaker and Bible teacher. It’s called the Courage For Life Audio Bible App, and it’s the first female-voiced audio Bible app.

My calling is simple. Point people to the hope and freedom that can only be found in Jesus as revealed in His Word. That Word—the Bible—is foundational! You have to be in it to be equipped, and you have to be in it to understand the change that is required in your life.

It’s complete belief that God is who He says He is, and that His character is as it has been revealed. Appropriating those truths for yourself is the beginning of finding your courage for life. – Ann White

When you download this free app, you will receive

  • relatable teachings tailored to all aspects of life
  • Gain confidence to face each day with perseverance and wisdom and
  • Enrich your prayer life as you communicate with God each day
       Download the app here: Courage For Life App

You can also win a copy of the accompanying devotional written by the app creator when you click this link:

Watch the video to learn more about Ann and her journey of courage.

Date Published: Aug 7th 2019
Publisher : Phenomenal One Press
 photo add-to-goodreads-button_zpsc7b3c634.png
Homeschooling and Working While Shaping Amazing Learners is a nuts to bolts guide for working parents who want to groom exceptional learners through the flexibility of homeschooling. Learn to juggle working and homeschooling your kids while maintaining your sanity. Also, use aspects of homeschooling for after-schooling when traditional school isn’t working. Single parents are given options for executing homeschooling or after schooling methods that work in practical bits for the busy parent. Learn how to take your child from an average student to an exceptional student by exploring the possibilities shown in the section on acceleration of learning. From pre-K to Homeschooling College, open your eyes to the many options in flexibility this approach to learning can give. You can homeschool and work to shape amazing learners by exploring the possibilities.

The first and foremost expectation and goal of homeschooling and working should be to build a close and loving relationship with your child. Don’t ever let the educating of your child get in the way of that. Remembering, as long as they are growing to perform well in their core courses or anchor courses all the rest will fall in place.

Before diving into homeschooling, being realistic is the first step to managing your expectations. Sometimes through aiming in the middle, you are pleasantly surprised when you and your children exceed them.

In order to start from a good place, create a list of your bottom line goals for the school year and build your mindset to be happy that at the very least you’ve met them.

 Plus Kickstarting Homeschooling While Working Mini-Course
About the Author
LM Preston is an author, engineer, former college professor, and working mother who’s been married for over twenty-five years. She homeschooled 3 of her 4 children from elementary school and beyond while she and her husband worked outside their home. Three of her kids graduated with degrees by the age of 17 years old.
Contact Links
Purchase Link
iTunes: Homeschooling and Working While Raising Amazing Learners
RABT Book Tours & PR

Ask any woman who has been divorced or is going through one and she will tell you divorce is a devastating experience. For those of us who have not been divorced, we can only imagine what it’s like – the pain, the disappointment, the shock of having your world suddenly turned upside down.

Formerly A Wife – a survival guide for women facing the pain and disruption of divorce – by Welby O’ Brien drew me in from the first line. The author ‘s down-to-earth outline of her experience- sometimes laced with bitterness, sometimes with humor – is one that any woman can relate to, divorced or not.

How does a woman who, one day happily married, suddenly find herself trying to decide whether to attend the singles social or the one for couples? How does she explain to her child that daddy still loves him even if he no longer lives with them? And how does she decide if she should one day remarry? Welby answers these poignant questions and more with references from God’s word, our final authority, and she invites us to do our own soul-searching through pointed questions at the end of every chapter.

If you are going through divorce, are divorced or knows someone who is, I highly recommend that you read this book and/or pass it on to someone who you think might need it. I am certain it will bless them as it has blessed many others.

originally posted to Flickr as Toni Morrison by Axel Boldt

I couldn’t help reacting to the breaking news that Toni Morrison, one of the most acclaimed authors of our times, has passed. She was 88 years old. Among her many honors, Ms. Morrison will be remembered as winner of the Pulitzer prize, the Nobel prize, the Légion d’Honneur and a Presidential Medal of Freedom presented to her in 2012 by Barack Obama. 

I was first introduced to Toni Morrison’s work when I selected the 1981 novel Tar Baby for a college English assignment. At the time I’d only heard of Ms. Morrison and was curious to see what made her stand out as one of the literary geniuses of our time.

Tar Baby, with its vivid portrayal of the love/hate relationship between Jadine Childs, a black fashion model and the enigmatic black fugitive, Son, drew me in from the first line (like a tar baby) and held me right down to the last. From then I was hooked by Ms. Morrison’s writing and went on to devour all her works.

Toni Morrison

However, much as I admire her work, I must admit that some of her writing is anything but clear. Some years ago, I wrote about Toni Morrison on this blog:
What I love about Ms. Morrison’s writing is her inimitable way of animating her  descriptions, such that the settings become characters in themselves. Some of her narrative can be very complex and multi-layered, not to mention some of  the subject matter which can be very gothic, making them  difficult to digest, but once you have got it, you savor each bite down to the last morsel. African American literature, and history,  owes a great debt to this extraordinary woman.


Image by Annie Spratt from Pixabay

In case you didn’t know, Sunday Aug. 4th is Sisters’ Day. It’s the day we set aside to honor and celebrate our sisters. I think it’s a neat idea. For those of you who are fortunate to have a sister, I’m sure you anticipate spending time her with this Sunday and reminiscing on those special times.

Maybe you will look back to the times when you needed to confide in someone, share your special moments, laugh, cry and, yes, even argue with. And who did you run to? Your sister, of course. Your mother may still be around, but your sister is closer to your own age and is therefore more likely to understand and empathize with what you are going through.

I don’t have a sister, but God has blessed me with three great sisters-in-law and wonderful girlfriends who are as dear to me as sisters. I also consider the ladies in my church to be sisters as we are indeed sisters in faith. So, whether you have a biological sister, step-sister, adoptive sister or whatever kind of sister you have, this Sunday make sure you let her know how much you love and appreciate her.

One of the ways you can show your love is by giving a book. This is a gift that’s as timeless as the bond between you, and what better book to give than one that is all about sisterhood. For this reason, I have made In the Promised LandFREE from today until Sisters’ Day, Aug. 4th. It’s free so download as many as you like.

In this book, you will meet two sisters, Marva and June, who suffered through an abusive childhood together, experienced the consequences of Marva’s rash actions, and the agonizing possibility of her being imprisoned. But through it all, the bond between them grew stronger as they clung to each other, learned from each other and emerged victorious in the end.

Here’s what one reviewer said:

In the Promised Land is a captivating story of family and forbidden love. A story that captures your attention at the very beginning and holds it until the unexpected ending. In the Promised Land will take you on an emotional roller coaster that will have you laughing one minute and crying the next. A story that will stay with you long after reading. I was so drawn in that I finished reading this in one night. In the Promised Land is the perfect beach read.  – Truly Trendy

To learn more about these two memorable sisters, you may want to get the other two books in the series Coming Out of Egypt and In the Wilderness . And whichever book/s you read, please remember to leave a review on Amazon. Other readers will appreciate it. Then drop me a line and let me know how you celebrated Sisters’ Day.

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