tagged with: self help

Christian, Spiritual Growth, Religious, Inspirational

Date Published: May 2, 2020

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Have you ever found yourself in a tough life situation and couldn’t find a way to get out of it?

Have you ever wondered what your true capabilities are and how to reveal your full potential?

Or maybe, you are seeking a tool that would boost up your motivation and teach you valuable life lessons?



I think this book will definitely make a shift in your life, so keep reading…



“THIS IS YOUR SHIFTING SEASON” – a book that is going to change your perception about your true inner power,  teach you valuable life lessons and show what is possible with dedication and the right strategies.



We all had good and bad times in our life, we all made mistakes, and we all have regrets. And it doesn’t matter what those times, mistakes or regrets are. If you are still living on this planet, you have the right to get better and move forward, just like I did…

Being lost for about 22 years, I finally found my life path, discovered strategies, and rules that led me out of the very bottom of my life. Years spent in and out jails, drug and alcohol addictions are now my past. I even managed to get them out of my brain. After so many years of darkness, I decided to dedicate my life to help others to find their own life path.


Here is just a short brief of what you are going to learn:


How to find your purpose in life?

RULES OF MANUAL TRANSMISSION – learn how to accelerate your life

Find your real destination. What is truly important?

The best way to start your SHIFTING SEASON

What is your real potential – a self-identification guide

Much much more…



And it doesn’t matter whether you believe in God or not, you are 20 years old or 60 years old, male or female, the strategies and rule inside this book will help you as much as it helped others.

Now it is your turn to make a decision, to take the first step, and turn on your unlimited life engine.


About the Author

Michael Mickey Williams Jr. an Atlantic City New Jersey native was once homeless, eating food out of trash cans, suicidal, addicted to heroin, and crack cocaine. He spent 22 years of his life in-and-out of jails and rehabilitation centers since he was a teenager. Nowadays, however, he’s married, a substance abuse counselor, a minister, and a ten-time published author with titles like “Pushed out the Crack House into God’s house, My Purpose is Greater than my struggles, and I’m a Giant Killer to name a few, he’s also one of the Co-founders of The Minor Adjustments Program which is dedicated to preventing and reducing crimes, their primary purpose is to teach men and women how to make the “Minor Adjustments” that are necessary for their lives, Their motto is “Anywhere but backward” Mr. Williams is a dedicated advocate for those who are struggling with addictions or criminal lifestyles, mainly because he struggled with those same barriers.

Beyond the Minor Adjustments Program, It is said that he was named “Preacher Boy” by his beautiful wife Lernell Apple Williams, his style of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ makes it easy for him to communicate to both the common people and the religious, his stated that he tries to use everyday language already familiar to his culture, with a purpose to always try to touch individual personal needs at the same time communicate spiritual truth.

As a father of seven, with four grandkids he credits his parents as the source of his perseverance and sense of self-reliance. After 22 years of being in bondage to addiction, Mr. Williams continues to be one of today’s most inspirational, encouraging, and influential men today.

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Ask any woman who has been divorced or is going through one and she will tell you divorce is a devastating experience. For those of us who have not been divorced, we can only imagine what it’s like – the pain, the disappointment, the shock of having your world suddenly turned upside down.

Formerly A Wife – a survival guide for women facing the pain and disruption of divorce – by Welby O’ Brien drew me in from the first line. The author ‘s down-to-earth outline of her experience- sometimes laced with bitterness, sometimes with humor – is one that any woman can relate to, divorced or not.

How does a woman who, one day happily married, suddenly find herself trying to decide whether to attend the singles social or the one for couples? How does she explain to her child that daddy still loves him even if he no longer lives with them? And how does she decide if she should one day remarry? Welby answers these poignant questions and more with references from God’s word, our final authority, and she invites us to do our own soul-searching through pointed questions at the end of every chapter.

If you are going through divorce, are divorced or knows someone who is, I highly recommend that you read this book and/or pass it on to someone who you think might need it. I am certain it will bless them as it has blessed many others.

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Wisdom, Volume 2
/ Relationships
March 2019
Publisher: iUniverse
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is an easy to read book that has everyday situations described about life, sex,
and love. It is an accumulation of my blogs where thousands of people have
avoided or improved their lives as a result of my over thirty years experience
as a licensed therapist and sex educator. It is meant to be shared and enjoyed
while learning.
Other Books in the Woozie Wisdom Series
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Woozie Wisdom Publisher:
is a lively, fun, down to earth book with helpful ways to look at life, sex,
and love. It offers practical applications to make life fulfilled and joyful.
While there is no all-knowing guru, my over forty years of experience as a
relationship counselor and sex educator provides some answers for problems as
well as how to avoid them.
Wisdom won a national first runner up award from Eric Hoffer.
for Woozie Wisdom:
Lynn Hubschman has constructed a book that gives grandmotherly advice to those
that might have missed out on important life tips. In earlier chapters she
talks about common sense tips as they relate to living a happy healthy and
vibrant life.” —Pacific Book Review
this book and then empower yourself to make any necessary changes. Hubschman
advises but she says it more indirectly and comically when she says, ‘So listen
to what you say and how you say it. Listen to what the people around you talk
about. If you want to throw up…. move on.’ The breadth of the book’s content
is unparalleled.” —The US Review of Books
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the Author

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Hubschman is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and also its’ School
of Social Work.She has been a marriage counselor and family therapist over
thirty years. Has been Director of Family Life Education for Jewish Family
Service and then Director of Social Work at America’s oldest hospital;
Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. Has always had a private practice and
appeared on major TV talk shows. She has written three other books including
‘Transsexuals. Life From Both Sides.’
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