tagged with: psychological

I saw something funny on Facebook recently. The writer said (I’m paraphrasing) that her book contains no ex-boyfriend suddenly showing up from the past, no finding old letters and no old mansion for sale, or words to that effect. I laughed when I read it because so many of the book descriptions I read  are about those very things. Maybe there are readers who enjoy those books, but when I choose a book, I like one that takes me to parts unknown, tugs at my emotions and leaves me thinking about the characters long after I’ve reached THE END. So because I love to read those books, I try to write similar ones.

In Part 1 of this topic, I said there were many reasons to read In The Wilderness, Book 2 of the Egypt series, and the first reason I gave was:

No graphic scenes of sexual abuse

But before we get to that, here’s a short synopsis of the book:

When Marva accidentally kills her father while trying to protect her younger sister June from him, she anticipates a new beginning far from “Egypt” where they once lived. But her new life is not what she envisioned. The strain of trying to elude the detective who suspects her of the murder, cope with her rebellious younger sister and hold down her job in a man’s domain drive her to drink. When Cicely, her former teacher, intervenes and leads the girls to Christ, Marva finds some measure of peace, but guilt over her crime and the desire to save June from disgrace force her to contemplate suicide. Fortunately, a serious accident derails her plans, and both Marva and June discover their true calling – to serve God, and others, with all their heart and with all their strength.

Many people, myself included, are turned off by scenes of a child’s body being violated. I have started reading many books – some quite popular – and have put them down at the first hint of abuse. The content of In The Wilderness and its prequel Coming Out of Egypt focuses on the psychological effects of the abuse. The stories are clean and wholesome, but suspenseful. Marva and June occasionally reflect on how much their father hurt them, but for the most part, they confine  those painful memories to the back burner of their minds.

And speaking of graphic scenes, I believe the most graphic is in the beginning when Marva and June dispose of their father’s body.

Thunder rolled again, and Marva swallowed against the tightness in her throat. Summoning all her strength, she pulled. This time the body gave and slid over the smooth linoleum floor. Beads of perspiration ran down her face and fell on the dead man’s khaki pants. Once Marva got to the door, she had no choice but to let his head drop the one step to the ground outside.

Senses alert, she stopped and listened. The storage door still rattled and the wind rustled through the leaves like whispering ghosts. A shiver ran through her. It was unlikely that hunters, or any of their father’s laborers, would come through their property on a night like this, but one never knew. With June sticking to her like a shadow, they took the familiar path down the slope leading to the river. Swish-swish went the corpse as Marva dragged her father’s lifeless body over the carpet of dry leaves.

Notice, there’s no blood and gore, neither do I show how the murder took place. This, I believe, leaves the reader to wonder what is going on, how did all of this happen. This is not a crime or murder novel even though murder is involved.

You can get a further glimpse into Book 1 – Coming Out of Egypt by clicking on the form below. You will get to read the first five chapters so you can decide if you want to buy the book. Or if you have already decided you want to buy the book, click here:


http://authl.it/ B01FNJ5EIU

Prefer print? http://amzn.to/2qCJsQA

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Tomorrow is the day. If you’ve been following my posts, you will know that tomorrow 8/17 is the day In the Wilderness makes its grand entrance on the world stage. I am excited to say the least. This book follows on the heels of Coming Out of Egypt which received a five-star rating from Reader’s Favorite and other reviewers. I expect ITW to do just as well. And because I want you to be able to get your hands on this book with little expense, I’m making it available at the same preorder price of 99c. Aren’t I sweet?

Before you click on that link, here’s a one-line premise of In the Wilderness:

A young woman, torn by guilt over her secret crime, chooses suicide in order to protect her sister from shame.

Now here’s a little snippet to whet your appetite even more:

Marva’s fingers twisted the end of the sheet. June’s words made sense. Why spoil things for everybody? Because she wanted to be a martyr?

She lay down and pulled up the sheet. “You’re right, Junie. Please turn off the light.”

June hesitated. “Promise me you’ll stop worrying.”

Marva smiled. What a sweet child she was. “I promise.”

The light went off and June settled quietly next to her. Long after her snores confirmed that she was asleep, Marva lay mulling over what was the best way to make her confession. She could not bear the guilt any longer. She had to tell someone that she was the person who had killed her father.

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