The A – Z blog challenge taught me one thing about myself: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. When I signed up for the challenge, I didn’t seriously think I could do it. I thought I might begin and drop out half-way or even a quarter way through. After all, I’m not a daily blogger, and don’t intend to be. But as I began working my way through the letters, I found myself coming up with ideas for my writing theme that I’d never thought of before. I was amazed that I could find so many different subtopics on writing.

Also, there’s nothing more inspiring than to know that people are actually reading what you write. As my fellow bloggers dropped by and left comments, my determination to stick with the challenge grew. I’m proud to say that I completed the challenge just one day late, and that was because I didn’t publish the post as soon as I finished writing it, and when I went back to my blog half of the post had disappeared!

So, what did I learn from the A – Z blog challenge?

1. That with a little determination, I can accomplish a lot.
2. That I can post more regularly to my blog, if I put my mind to it.
3. That, according to the comments, people do enjoy my writing.
4. That there is a lot to learn about being a writer and the business of writing.
5. That there are many talented and wonderful bloggers out there.

What do I regret about the A – Z blog challenge? Just one thing: That I didn’t have enough time to visit and comment on more blogs. Those that I visited were delightful and enlightening and I hope to visit them again. And participate in another challenge. Did I say that?

If I could offer a suggestion it would be that we post only Monday to Friday and leave the weekend for blog hopping and commenting. I would love to hear your thoughts on this year’s A – Z blog challenge. And if you follow this blog, I’ll follow you back.

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