Regardless of whether you are building your proofreading business primarily with online clients in mind or local clients, you need a website. This is not an option, it’s imperative to your business. There is website building software available if you are interested in building your own. If you do not feel confident in going that route, there is always the option of hiring a website designer to do it for you.
Now that you have your website created you are ready to start doing some marketing. You can market both locally (offline) and online. Online marketing can be as simple as joining some forums that are geared towards writers and editors/proofreaders or purchasing some advertising on some sites that target your niche.
Offline marketing has a wide variety of options available for you. The first thing you’ll want to do is tell your family and friends all about your business. Ask them to mention your name if the opportunity ever comes up that your services would benefit someone they have contact with. Business cards are another option and you can even give them to your family and friends so they have them available to hand out.
Some other offline marketing tactics are flyers. You can make some up on your computer and print them off yourself or you can always have a local printing company make them and print them for you. Flyers can be hung at places like grocery stores, if they have bulletin boards available for the community to post things on, libraries, colleges/universities, etc.
Another option is sending out a mailing to businesses you think would benefit from your skills. After you’ve sent out the mailing, give it a couple days to get to the businesses and then pick up the phone and follow up. Many people don’t like cold calling but sometimes it’s that phone call that lands you a client. Step out of your comfort zone and make that call.
Last but certainly not least you can always purchase advertising in trade magazines or local newspapers. Advertising in magazines and newspapers may be expensive but remember that you have to invest in your business, especially marketing when you are brand new, to profit in the long run.
To find out exactly how you can start your own proofreading business from the comfort of your own home click here to instantly access your step-by-step guide.