As the holidays approach, our thoughts naturally turn to giving. This year, because of COVID-19, there is a more urgent need to reach out to the many people around the world who are impacted by this horrible pandemic. The Advancing Native Missions (ANM) organization is partnering with missionaries around the world to help meet the needs of those who so desperately need it.
As you make your shopping list this year, will you consider giving a gift that sends help and hope in Jesus’ name to people in some of the neediest places in the world? You can do so through the ANM Christmas catalog to assist missionaries in the field with helping the less fortunate.
Visit the catalog online: https://catalog.advancingnativemissions.com/
Find 20 simple ways to transform lives inside this catalog … all in the name of Jesus.
Request a mailed catalog: https://advancingnativemissions.com/request-anm-catalog/
ANM have been around for a long time and have excellent financial accountability. It’s all on their website.
ORGANIZATIONS WEBPAGE: https://advancingnativemissions.com/
Join the giveaway here: https://www.blessedfreebies.com/advancing-native-missions-giveaway.html
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