November 2017
Monthly Archive
Is your head spinning from all the Cyber Monday sales out there? When all is said and done, what really calms you after a long, busy day is curling up with a good book and your favorite beverage. So, take a few moments to click on my offerings for Cyber Monday. They range from Christian non-fiction to women’s fiction with lots of suspense and emotion. Here’s the first one:

Some of the women featured in Women For All Seasons played an integral part in the life of Jesus, whose birth we celebrate at Christmas time. Read about Mary, the young virgin and the risk she took when she said “yes” to the angel and agreed to become mother of the Savior of the world. Then there’s Ruth, a woman outside of the Jewish covenant, but she became Jesus’s ancestor. Mary Magdalene, Mary and Martha who followed Jesus and ministered to Him. All the stories are told from the point of view of each woman so you get an intimate view of how God used them despite their flaws. This book will make a great gift for yourself or a friend this Christmas.

If you read my blog, you would know about my first novel Coming Out of Egypt, book 1 of the Egypt series. This book received a five-star rating from Katherine Bennet of Readers’ Favorite. Here’s what she said:
The story flows beautifully and is truly written in a compelling way. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to read a well written story with fully fleshed out characters who feel very real. You will not regret a single moment of time you spend with Marva and June.
Other reviewers expressed similar views:
Solid book. Well written. Important topic. Engaging characters – C.M
Suspense kept me glued to my kindle – Amazonia

In The Wilderness is book 2 of the Egypt series. In this book Marva and June are older and a little more, well, you’ll see for yourself. Here is what one reviewer said:
This book is so superbly written! I think the cover does a great job of setting the mood. This story will make you think, make you feel, and just touch you in a way you did not expect. – Texas Book Nook
And another:
Wow, I truly enjoyed Angela Joseph’s writing style in this novel. Sometimes it can take me a bit to get into a story, but I felt like the way this story flowed was effortless. I truly enjoyed Marva as a character from the beginning and understood her motives throughout the story.
For Cyber Monday and a few more days you can get each of these books for .99c. That’s a great deal for some great books. Don’t miss out!
Sign up for my mailing list so you can receive updates on special offers for all my books and those of other authors. Until next time, happy reading.

Sylvie Parizeau
(Incandescent, #3)
Publication date: November 22nd 2017
Genres: New Adult, Romance
PHILIPPE-OLIVIER TISSEROT’s caffeine addiction is about to land him in uncharted territory and one hell of a ride. One that’s about to go viral.
Current status: Computer whiz to hacker to penpal.
Upgrade status: Lover.
Well, I’m still working on the lover part.
I’m just a computer geek studying at MIT. And now I’m in two places at once – the geek and the lover battling it out to get the girl.
The only problem is, my dream girl doesn’t know she knows me in either one of them.
Now I have to win her in both.
Please wait. Upgrade in progress.
Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo

Author Bio:
A paralegal by day and incurable romantic by night, Sylvie is a cross-genre, and she takes Happily Ever After very seriously. The End just isn’t in her vocabulary.
An incorrigible daydreamer, she now feeds her obsession with epilogues by concocting stories in which heroes deal with the happy from the get-go. Ready, or not. And she confesses under oath to loving every minute of it.
Sylvie lives her own Happily Ever After in the beautiful mountains of Les Laurentides in Northern Quebec, alongside her whole set of characters.
In between treks in their backyard wilderness, you can find them hanging out at
Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter
a Rafflecopter giveaway

My review
Secrets have a way of coming out in ways you least expect, and this is exactly what happens when P.O. starts out by nor revealing who he is to his dream girl, until he finds himself over his head in love with her and wondering how he can come clean. This beautifully-written novel begins a bit slowly, in my opinion, but picks up the pace when P.O and Aurele both realize that they enjoy talking to each other, albeit only on a technical level at first.
Aurele’s character is warm and touching and evokes reader sympathy right from the start. P.O. is what we might consider the typical geek – handsome and brilliant, yet lacking the confidence to approach the girl.
I truly enjoyed Sylvie Parizeau’s writing style and would have given the book four stars were it not for P.O’s liberal use of four letter words. As it is, I have given it 3.5 stars and would recommend this book to readers who are not offended by that type of language.

Another year is almost over, and as I look back on the past months, I am tempted to reflect on all the awful things that took place – hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorism, mass murders – and according to the news media, everything was “the worst.” In light of all that, should we be thankful? I am still thankful – for God, my family, friends and associates and for the opportunity to reach thousands of people in cyberspace.
So, let us enjoy Thanksgiving, enjoy our families and friends and, yes, our food. Let us share whatever we can with those who are not as fortunate as we are, for it is in giving we receive.
To show you how much I care, I’m making Coming Out of Egypt, the first book in the Egypt trilogy, FREE from Black Friday until Sunday Nov. 26th.
Tweet: Get Coming Out of Egypt FREE #BlackFriday to 11/26 #womensfiction B01FNJ5EIU
So, spread the word to all your friends and if you have not done so yet, sign up for my blog where you can get more updates and giveaways.
Blurb for Coming Out of Egypt
Set in the lovely island of Trinidad, Coming Out of Egypt tells the story of Marva Garcia, seventeen, and her sister June, thirteen, who were both sexually abused by their father. Following the death of their mother a year previously, Marva assumes the role of mother to June. Unable to tolerate their father’s abuse any longer, Marva accidentally kills him one night while trying to protect June from him.
This sends the girls’ lives into a further downward spiral as Marva tries desperately to elude the police, control June’s teenage hormonal escapades and hold down a job in a man’s domain. Will Marva be punished for her crime?
If you enjoy this book, why not pick up the sequel In the Wilderness so you don’t have to wait to see what happens next?
Happy Thanksgiving!
As more and more women come forward to reveal their unfortunate sexual harassment experiences, the cliché the more things change, the more they seem the same comes to my mind.
Sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual assault, whatever name you choose to call it by has been around since the beginning of time, since men realized that they are physically stronger than their female gender, and mistakenly thought that gives them the right to exert their power over her. But despite all the hue and cry that is taking place over the airwaves these days, I don’t expect sexual abuse to go away any time soon.
When I began writing Coming Out of Egypt, which revolves around the theme of child sexual abuse, I thought it was a rare topic – at least here in America. Still, I felt moved to re-write the stories of two young girls who I knew many years ago as a teacher in Egypt Village, Trinidad. It was rumored that these children were being abused by their father, and the laws being what they were, or were not, nothing was done about it. I left that school not knowing what became of them.
So, here I am, years later, having written a series on sexual abuse survivors, seeing my stories played out before my eyes. Decades later, victims of sexual harassment still weep when they recall their harrowing experiences. In book 1, Coming Out of Egypt, Marva the protagonist and her younger sister June are victims of sexual abuse. One night, unable to bear the thought of her younger sister being molested by her father, Marva kills him.
This sets off a snowball effect of delinquent behavior by both girls. In the midst of all this, Marva’s former teacher, Cicely, intervenes and saves the girls from certain doom. In the end, they become Christians and begin to feel better about themselves. However, Marva knows that one day she will have to pay the price for her rash behavior. When will the axe fall? You will have to get the second book In The Wilderness to find out.
If you prefer to read about heiresses in dungeons, cowboys and cowgirls, aliens and devils, then look elsewhere. But if you enjoy women’s fiction that focuses on social issues and real life events that touch all of us, Coming Out of Egypt is the book for you. If you enjoy learning about exotic cultures, with an element of sweet, breathtaking romance, then Coming Out of Egypt is the book for you. If you want to learn more about the power of redemption to change lives, then this book is for you. Coming Out of Egypt received a five-star rating from Readers’ Favorite and 4.5 stars from other readers.
Right now, Coming Out of Egypt is just .99c on kindle, but if you prefer print, you can get it here. If you would like an autographed copy, just email me and I’ll tell you how you can get it. Until next time, remember, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” –Albert Einstein

Historical Romance
Date Published: October 3, 2017
Publisher: Belle Reve Press
Today, I am happy to bring you an excerpt of Dennis and Greer, a non-fiction love story in letters and journals between 2 college students during the Vietnam era. Buried in a trunk for fifty years, this long-forgotten tale encapsulates the horrors of war and the innocence of young love.
College students, Dennis and Greer, met and felt a spark just before moving to different states. Their witty correspondence through letters conjured a desire to meet again, but Dennis tried to keep his distance; duty is more important than love.
As the two embarked on their journey into adulthood and navigated their relationship against the backdrop of war, they were writing a love story that will span the test of time. Edited by Molly Gould, this nonfiction reads like fiction.
You can read the beautifully-written excerpt below.
Excerpt 1:
I delight in the prospect of returning to school. I am OBSESSED with the idea of going to Vietnam to fight. What scholasticism! What patriotism! How alluring, friendly, and evil are the girls in this part of the country! I am, in short, a man besieged. Not the least of my assailants is the memory of being in your arms. How I wish I were there now! These are not missionary thoughts, however, and if I could rid myself of them in one fell blow, I would render a hundred such blows without hesitation. You are more faithful than I, pray for me.
Excerpt 2:
Dear Greer (poetic, huh?)
This letter is written upon wrinkled paper, which (as you are an English major), you will realize is symbolic of suffering and hardship. From having gotten to know me you will recall that I am never a whiner so I will let the paper rather than the ink bear what ill tidings are to be borne. You may well ask why I have devoted the introduction of this epistle to such trivia. As in conversation, I find it necessary to fill the air with something while I think of something worthwhile to say. While you write “redundant” over the second “something” in typical gung-ho English major fashion, I will try to find something worthy enough in content and syntax to place before your well-read, though brown, eyes.
Not having succeeded in that undertaking, I will, being forced, continue amid trivialities and redundancies. How are you? I am fine. (The latter is a comment rather than an answer.) My present residence is in Carlin, Nevada (as a glance at the envelope, also wrinkled, will verify—redundancies are tricky) and I receive my mail at P.O. Box 835. May I say that I had a very pointed reason for mentioning the fact?
Out of fear that you will say within someone’s hearing that this letter is much bubble bath, as indeed its first two paragraphs are, I will turn to serious considerations. I long to have the outpourings of your keen mind and kind heart splashed upon my untidy mind (see above) like cool water in the sweating face of a Nevada summer laborer. In other, less revealing words, my first order of business is to insist that you write me a letter. I will even, in consideration of your talent, pay you by the word in typical professional fashion.
I dedicated this summer to ridding myself of fecund thoughts and to the corralling of vagrant impulses, to secluded study and spiritual growth. I’ve had my preliminary interview and I will be leaving on my mission in September. I have departed into the desert to prepare for my calling, to live with the wild beasts and eat locusts and honey. Please realize that your letters will be a tremendous help to me. I think of you often.
Memory, hither come,
And tune your merry notes;
And, while upon the wind
Your music floats,
I’ll pour upon the stream
Where sighing lovers dream,
And fish for fancies as they pass
Within the watery glass.
-William Blake
Sincerely yours,

ASU graduate, Molly Gould, lived in the wilderness for 28 days when she was 16 years old (she’s your go-to-girl in the zombie apocalypse). She now confines herself indoors with the AC full-blast in her sunny sate of AZ. Occasionally, she’ll brave the scorching heat with her husband and four children.
When Molly inherited a treasure of vintage journals and letters, she was swept away by the love story contained within those writings. She couldn’t keep Dennis and Greer to herself, so she began transcribing and Dennis and Greer was born.
Contact Information
Facebook: @gouldmolly
Twitter: @mollymgould

The days are turning cooler and shorter, and many of us will be spending more time indoors. What better time to get your hands on some fine-quality books. I am pleased to inform you of an exciting giveaway taking place right now up until Monday Nov. 13. This is a Women’s Fiction event, so if you are a lover of Women’s fiction, you would want to take advantage of this opportunity.
Just one more day to participate in AXP’s exciting women’s fiction giveaway where you can get as many as 20 books, including In the Wilderness, a suspenseful, psychological women’s fiction. And when you enter the giveaway you can get free and discounted books from the book fair. Coming Out of Egypt, book 1 of the Egypt trilogy, will be on sale for 99c. Get it now and stock up on your winter reading.
If you haven’t yet subscribed to this blog, you really need to do so now so you can receive updates and special giveaways. Just click on this link: