September 2017
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I’ve been writing about reasons to read Coming Out of Egypt, my first book in the Egypt series, and as promised last week, here’s another love scene between my protagonist, Marva, and her love interest, Jason.
She opened the door, stepped inside, and reached for the light switch. Jason closed the door behind him, and enfolded Marva in his arms. His lips came down on hers.
“I’ve been waiting all evening to do this.” He raised his head, but didn’t release her. “I love you, Moe,” and his mouth found hers again.
Robot-like, Marva returned his kisses. It felt nice being in his arms, but nothing more. Some part of her was out of reach, missing or frozen over.
Jason seemed to sense it. “What’s the matter, Moe?”
Not knowing what to say, she shook her head.
He held her a moment longer, kissed her cheek then released her. “Are you scared? I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.”
She shook her head again, not looking at him.
She was dead inside, as surely as her father was dead.
After Jason left, Marva threw herself on the bed, wishing she could cry, but no tears came. The moon illuminated the thin curtains, giving them an almost metallic appearance. Droplets of light decorated the sheet at random intervals. Marva touched one of the droplets, marveling at the way the light instantly bathed her finger. She moved her hand to a bigger spot, and the same thing happened.
God. He was in control of everything. He was covering her with His light. He’d saved her from doing something she would have regretted later, and for that she was grateful. So why did she feel like some type of freak? Other girls would die for a guy like Jason, while she hardly felt anything for him, at least not in that way.
You might say this is not a real love scene because it seems one-sided. Jason is passionate about Marva, while her romantic feelings are in lockdown. What a contrast to the previous post with David and Cicely! While that one showed a strong love between the couple, this one showed struggle, conflict. Marva does love Jason, as much as her jagged emotions would allow, but she’s unable to express that love on account of the abuse she suffered from her father. And now that she has become a Christian, she thinks she has no business loving a man.
This is one of my favorite scenes in the novel, and I hope it will be one of yours too.
Get Coming Out of Egypt free in Kindle Unlimited or purchase it at B01FNJ5EIU
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Greetings once again from sunny Florida! I’m thankful to God that we survived hurricane Irma. Some parts of my neighborhood still look like … well, like a storm hit it, but the crews are doing a great job clearing away fallen trees and branches and tidying the place up. Supermarkets have water again – YIPPEE! – and gas is flowing in the gas stations. My thoughts and prayers are with those in the Caribbean who are now under the gun from hurricane Maria. Please remember them in your prayers and help where you are able.
I promised to update you at least once a month on events in which I will be participating – book signings, giveaways, book reviews and the like. Well, in two days’ time from Sept. 21st – Oct. 3rd, I’m participating in an exciting group giveaway of women’s fiction books – Life Changing in the Face of Adversity – Women’s Fiction at its Best
Here’s the link for you to find out more about this exciting giveaway. Instafreebie has organized this event and I know it’s going to be a smash. You can win a copy of my book Coming Out of Egypt as well as other stellar women’s fiction books.
Here’s a short blurb for Coming Out of Egypt:
When Marva accidentally kills her father while trying to protect her younger sister June from him, she anticipates a new beginning far from “Egypt” where they once lived. But her new life is not what she envisioned. The strain of trying to elude the police, cope with her rebellious younger sister while holding down her job in a man’s domain drives her to drink. When Cicely, her former teacher, intervenes and leads the girls to Christ, Marva finds some measure of peace, but she still has to be on her guard. Will she one day find the love and happiness she craves, or will she get the punishment she deserves?
Please share this information with your friends and ask them to share as well. Stay tuned for more updates. And please sign up for my newsletter if you haven’t done so yet.
In my last post, I wrote that Coming Out of Egypt, the first book in my Egypt series, has no graphic sexual content and no bloody, gory scenes. However, it does begin just after a murder has taken place. So, you say, no blood and sex, then why should I read it? Glad you asked.
You like that, don’t you? Well, Coming Out of Egypt is full of romance. The sweet kind. The kind that makes you think of a knight in shining armor rushing to rescue a damsel in distress. No, not really. It’s not a historical romance, but it has enough passion and sexual tension between the characters to make your toes curl and keep you turning the pages. I am not the only author who likes reading and writing clean romance. I just came across this site that lists some really good clean romances that I want to check out and you may want to as well.
Here’s an excerpt of a love scene from Coming Out of Egypt between two main characters, Cicely and David.
Love was heavenly.
Despite his busy schedule, he managed to squeeze in a day with them in Toco. They spent it swimming and snorkeling in the sparkling, cool waters of the north coast. When it was time for him to leave for the long drive back to the south, Cicely thought her heart would split with worry. The road was lonely, narrow and winding with steep precipices on either side. Was he sure he could manage alone? Did he have his firearm? Could he radio for help if necessary? He assured her he would be all right. He’d driven all by himself to come, he would be safe. Standing under a spreading almond tree, the wind whipping her hair, she made him promise he would break his journey by spending the night at his mother’s house.
He wrapped his arms around her. “I promise. I’ll call you as soon as I get to Mom’s house.”
“What time will you be there?”
He checked his watch. “Around seven-thirty.” He buried his face in her hair. “God, how I wish I could take you with me.”
She glanced toward the beach house. The others were getting ready for dinner. They wouldn’t miss her until they sat down to eat. But no, she was a grown woman. With an effort, she put a hand on his chest. “Just a couple more days.”
She watched him go, tears welling up in her eyes and running down her face, as salty as the ocean breeze that fanned her skin. He got into the car, started it and waved. She waved back and kept on waving until the little orange bug was out of sight. It was now six. An hour and a half of agony and two more days of loneliness until she returned home. Could there be pain in heaven?
This is love between a mature man and woman. Next time, I’ll show you another type of love – between a much younger couple – the protagonist and her love interest.
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