Do you wish you had more courage to tackle the things in life that really matter? That you didn’t have to go through life pretending you are in control when you are not? If you answer yes to either of these questions, you stand to benefit from a new app created by Ann White, internationally known author, speaker and Bible teacher. It’s called the Courage For Life Audio Bible App, and it’s the first female-voiced audio Bible app.

My calling is simple. Point people to the hope and freedom that can only be found in Jesus as revealed in His Word. That Word—the Bible—is foundational! You have to be in it to be equipped, and you have to be in it to understand the change that is required in your life.
It’s complete belief that God is who He says He is, and that His character is as it has been revealed. Appropriating those truths for yourself is the beginning of finding your courage for life. – Ann White
When you download this free app, you will receive
- relatable teachings tailored to all aspects of life
- Gain confidence to face each day with perseverance and wisdom and
- Enrich your prayer life as you communicate with God each day
Download the app here: Courage For Life App

You can also win a copy of the accompanying devotional written by the app creator when you click this link: https://www.blessedfreebies.com/courage-for-life-giveaway.html
Watch the video to learn more about Ann and her journey of courage.