tagged with: Women For All Seasons

February, my birth month, and the month of love is almost over. I have been posting about the love shown by women of the Bible and today I want to focus on the unselfish love of Mary Magdalene.

I couldn’t let the month end without writing about this well-known woman of the Bible, one who has been so misrepresented and so misjudged. In fact, of all the Marys mentioned in the Bible, Mary Magdalene is the only one who is given a last name. It’s as if the authors wanted us to know exactly which Mary they were writing about. And as if that weren’t enough, she also has the handle, “out of whom went seven devils” (Luke 8: 2).

But after Jesus healed her, Mary Magdalene became one of his most devoted followers. On the day of His crucifixion, she, along with His mother and other women, stood at the foot of the cross, sorrowful and unable to do anything. Since it is the Sabbath, they cannot embalm the body, but bright and early the following day, Mary Magdalene and another Mary return to the tomb where Jesus had been buried.

Here she exemplifies one quality of love according to 1 Corinthians 13: it is not self-seeking. She has nothing to gain by going to the tomb to perform this last rite on her Savior. It is her last act of love, and she gives it without reservation.

But even though Mary Magdalene expects to gain nothing, God has already prepared the greatest reward anyone could ever hope to have. The tomb is empty, Jesus is risen as He said He would, but where is He? She sees a man standing before her, and He calls her name. It is Jesus. How does she know it is Jesus? Because He calls her Mary, not Mary Magdalene, not the one out of whom went seven devils, but simply Mary. She is the first to see the risen Lord.

Want to learn more about this fascinating woman of the Bible? Please go to Women For All Seasons at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TM6TWX4  

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After many years, Women For All Seasons has taken on a new garment. This devotional/workbook features the lives of twelve of the best-known women of the Bible grouped according to seasons.

As the Bible says:

There’s a time for everything,

And a season for every activity under heaven … Ecclesiastes 3: 1

Have you ever wondered how women in biblical times coped with the challenges that modern-day women face? How did they maintain their faith in God when the odds were so heavily stacked against them? Often treated as second-class citizens, females in biblical times were to be seen and not heard, existing solely to fulfill a man’s purpose of producing an heir.

A barren woman was considered good as dead. We see this in Rachel’s desperate cry to her husband Jacob, “Give me children or I die,” and in Hannah’s mournful prayers for a son. However, in Jesus’s day, women became very active in ministry and He treated them with the love and respect they deserved. Regardless of the time period in which they lived, women have always enjoyed the favor of God.

Women For All Seasons is written in easy-to-read modern-day language from the point of view of each character. You can use the book as a devotional, workbook or journal and for your Bible study. The views expressed at the end of each chapter are mine as well as those gained from bible references.

As you will see, God is not limited by seasons. If you are in the winter of your life, He works just as well as if you are in your spring. I pray that you will find this book a source of inspiration and encouragement to keep trusting and waiting on God when you don’t see the answers. I pray that it will become a valuable addition to your library and you will share it with your Bible study group and other women in your life.

Please write your comments on the new cover and any thoughts you may have on the book. God bless.

The Colorado theater shooting

I am taking a break away from blogging about my book to put in my two cents’ worth on the latest senseless act of carnage to take place in the US. By now you must have all heard that 12 people were killed and around 50 treated at local hospitals in Colorado. A young sportscaster, Jessica Ghawi, better known as Jessica Redfield in the sporting world, was among the fatalities. A young woman with a promising career cut down in the prime of her life. My prayers are with everyone associated with this tragedy.

It was April 20, 1999 when two high school students killed 12 of their school mates and one teacher in another senseless massacre. Today, history repeats itself, not in a school, but in a theater. When will they ever learn? What could motivate a young Phd student to do something like this? Was it stress? We may or may never know the answers, but tragedies such as this one ought to shake us to our core and remind us how vulnerable we are.

Orangeberry Summer Splash

This is a mini book tour marathon organized by Pandora Pikolos of Orangeberry Book Tours. The marathon features blog hosting and posts by authors of 100 books. My book Women For All Seasons will be among the 100 books featured. There will be links to author interviews and other posts, plus Twitter and Facebook blasts. The marathon runs (pun intended) from August 1 – August 31. I will post other updates as the time draws closer. This is a good opportunity to learn more about my book and a lot of other wonderful books out there.

Stephen Covey’s passing

The author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People passed away this week at the age of 79. This book has influenced a lot of people, including me, when I studied it in college some years ago. One piece of advice Covey gives in his book is, “To live a more balanced existence, you have to recognize that not doing everything that comes along is okay. There’s no need to overextend yourself. All it takes is realizing that it’s all right to say no when necessary and then focus on your highest priorities.” I think this book is worth a reread.

Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on any of the items above.

Here is an interview that I did for Book Buzzr. It’s a good way of getting some exposure for yourself and your book. Enjoy!

Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am a writer of fiction and non-fiction, which includes freelance writing of articles related to health and wellness. My first short story A Pair of Blue Skates was published in a college magazine. I then went on to win an honorable mention in a nationwide college magazine and to publish other short stories and articles in anthologies and online. I have also written two full-length novels which are not yet published.

Describe your book ‘WOMEN FOR ALL SEASONS’ in 30 words or less.

Women For All Seasons uses some of the stories of women from the Bible to show the importance of trusting God in every season of your life.

What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Apart from finding the time to write, I would say it was making sure that all the details were accurate for the time period and the culture I was writing about. Even though most of the content came from the Bible, I added details to make the stories read like fiction, therefore I had to make sure that all the information was relevant.

What books have had the greatest influence on you?

The Bible, first and foremost, then I would say Maximizing the Moment by Bishop TD Jakes, The Shack by Wm. P. Young, Lord of the Rings by Tolkien, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, The Bluest Eyes by Toni Morrison and so many more.

Briefly share with us what you do to market your book?

I make use of social media like Facebook, Twitter and Linked In and I feature it on my blogs and on Freado. I have also done book signings and a blog talk radio interview.

How do you spend your time when you are not writing?

I work full time as an occupational therapist, so I spend more time working than I do writing, which leaves very little time for anything else. However, I do enjoy taking long walks when I have the time.

What are you working on next?

Right now I’m working on a Christian novel about three women who live together, but they are keeping secrets from each other. And like the Bible says, whatever is hidden does come to light. I am also working on a short story which I plan to enter in a competition.

I’m off to the NBBF in Houston, TX this weekend. If you are in that area please drop by the Women For All Seasons booth and say hi. Of course, you can also pick up a signed copy of the book. This is my first book fair and I’m not really nervous. Just packing and unpacking and going over everything a hundred times. When I return I’ll have a real blog post. See you at the fair.

Here’s the audio of my interview with Ella Curry of Black Author’s Network in which I discussed my book Women For All Seasons. There were some technical difficulties at the beginning and midway through the interview, but otherwise it went rather well.

Please listen and leave a comment.

Listen to internet radio with Black Author Network on Blog Talk Radio

Speed bump Almería

Image via Wikipedia

The book marketing journey continues. It may lead me along winding lanes, dark alleyways, sudden stretches of sunlit roads and then maybe  a speed bump or two. If that happens, I’ll simply slow down, then pick up speed and continue on my journey, the wind in my hair and a song in my heart. I’m saying all of that to say this: the book marketing journey can be unpredictable for an unknown author. It can be daunting to say the least, not a venture for the timid or the overly cautious. There are many avenues to explore, one of which is book signing events. (more…)