“He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go out no more” (Revelaion 3: 12).
The scripture verse above is the focus of the devotional reading for January 10th in Patrick Egle’s devotional Renovating Your Mind. I think it was no coincidence that as I leafed through this book before settling down to read, this devotional caught my eye.
In it, Patrick speaks about how he and his wife prayed about what the Lord would have them do with their lives, and after much prayer, he felt the Lord say to him, “Richard, you need to strengthen that which needs to remain strong.”
Patrick believed God was telling him that his marriage needed to be a pillar, firmly established in the Lord, so that when the storms of live come, his marriage would remain standing. I believe this not only pertains to Richard and his marriage, but to all of us, because storms come to us all, and if we are not firmly rooted and grounded in Christ, we will crumble.
With 365 devotions, Renovating Your Mind encourages and challenges readers to “renovate” their minds by changing their thinking from perspective to the truth of God’s word. The book is not some great theological work, but the simple journaling of a layman bent on helping others from every level and every denomination come to understand that despite the struggles we all sometimes face, we can learn to trust in God and experience the joy and freedom He so freely offers.
If you are looking for a devotional to encourage and strengthen your faith in the new year, I highly recommend this book.
To purchase you can click on this link: https://www.amazon.com/Renovating-Your-Mind-Devotions-Everyday/dp/1632695073
There is also an accompanying You Version Bible App devotional that you can access here: https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/23703-renovating-your-mind
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