tagged with: marriage

Interesting title, isn’t it? I’m sure it will hook you the way it did me, but this book by Penn and Kim Holderness will hook you even more. It asks the same questions many of us ask ourselves: Is our marriage in trouble if we fight all the time? Is it possible to learn how to fight?

In Everybody Fights, couples will learn how to:

  • conjure the magic of metacommunication
  • break free of secret contracts
  • banish the three Ds—distraction, denial, and delay
  • carry their own individual baggage while helping each other deal with theirs

Everybody Fights is not only realistic, it’s entertaining, enlightening and life-changing (or marriage-changing, if you will.) If you want to learn how to “get better at fighting” and put the spark back into your marriage, I highly recommend you read this book.

You can purchase the book here: http://bit.ly/EverybodyFightsBook

Watch the video to learn more.

Ask any woman who has been divorced or is going through one and she will tell you divorce is a devastating experience. For those of us who have not been divorced, we can only imagine what it’s like – the pain, the disappointment, the shock of having your world suddenly turned upside down.

Formerly A Wife – a survival guide for women facing the pain and disruption of divorce – by Welby O’ Brien drew me in from the first line. The author ‘s down-to-earth outline of her experience- sometimes laced with bitterness, sometimes with humor – is one that any woman can relate to, divorced or not.

How does a woman who, one day happily married, suddenly find herself trying to decide whether to attend the singles social or the one for couples? How does she explain to her child that daddy still loves him even if he no longer lives with them? And how does she decide if she should one day remarry? Welby answers these poignant questions and more with references from God’s word, our final authority, and she invites us to do our own soul-searching through pointed questions at the end of every chapter.

If you are going through divorce, are divorced or knows someone who is, I highly recommend that you read this book and/or pass it on to someone who you think might need it. I am certain it will bless them as it has blessed many others.

Do you sometimes feel your relationship with your spouse can use a nudge? If you answer yes to this question, you may benefit from the Love Nudge app. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, this fun, engaging tool will help you and your spouse experience love more deeply. It’s fast and easy to set up and completely free. All you do is download the app, create an account and follow the steps.

Love Nudge™ for Couples will help you put the concepts of The 5 Love Languages® into action in ways that are easy, obvious, and satisfying.

When you take the love languages quiz, you will discover the love language that speaks most to your heart. Is it gift-giving, quality time or acts of service? Mine is acts of service. Take the quiz and find out what yours or your spouse’s is.

Download the The LoveNudge app and enter to win a set of 3 books from The 5 Love languages.

Download the The LoveNudge app and enter to win a set of 3 books from The 5 Love languages.