Who has never heard the stirring hymn “Amazing Grace,” written by John Newton? One biographer states that the hymn has had the honor of being translated into over 50 languages and about 10 million performances of this hymn are done every year, so it’s fair to say that this hymn has reached and touched the lives of millions around the world. And now you can learn the true story of the author when you get a copy of this book.

The introduction to the book Amazing Grace cites many instances where the hymn was sung during moments of intense national grieving in the United States as a means of bringing hope and comfort to the nation. The book itself tells the surprising true story of its author and reveals Newton’s dramatic story of sin and salvation as a slave trader before his ultimate transformation to speaking out against the horror of slavery. His story speaks to the brokenness within us all and our need for God’s amazing grace—and reveals the truth behind his song.
Since the first public singing of Amazing Grace almost 250 years ago, every generation has been profoundly moved by the song, and now readers can connect with John Newton’s story like never before. In these days of extreme polarization when beliefs about race, church, and politics have all become deeply divisive in society, we need grace more than ever. We need stories like this one that talk honestly about the human condition but even more about the relentless love of God and his forgiveness of sins.
This book reads like a novel and grasped my interest even from the introduction. I’m happy that I was able to get a copy of this book and I highly recommend it to anyone who has been touched by the hymn or knows someone who can benefit from reading this profound story about someone who was just like we were — lost in sin and saved by God’s amazing grace.
You can get a free copy of this book by following this link: https://www.blessedfreebies.com/amazing-grace-giveaway.html
To purchase: http://bit.ly/3YZRWRT
Angela is a blogger and author of Christian women’s fiction and Christian romance. Her latest release is Making Music Together.