tagged with: African American library

Some time ago, I wrote this post about the many ways authors can benefit from their local library. Most of that information is still relevant. For instance, I mentioned that it is difficult, but not impossible, for indie authors to get their books in the library. From recent discussions posted in some Goodreads groups, some authors still lament this fact, while others report having had their books placed in the library system with not much trouble.

With all of that information at the back of my mind, I decided to approach the African American Research Library in Fort Lauderdale where I’d done a book signing for Coming Out of Egypt. I spoke with the very pleasant lady in charge of acquisitions, and she requested a copy of my book so she could evaluate it. After several phone conversations, she got back to me with the good news: my book was deemed acceptable, and she would recommend it be placed in the collections. This was another process and required some more waiting.

Finally, a few weeks ago, I was notified that Coming Out of Egypt is now in the collections at the library and may be placed in other branches in Broward County as well. I am thrilled, to say the least. My goal is to have all three books in the series on all the shelves in the county. You can see the other books here. If you live in the Fort Lauderdale area, will you do me the favor of visiting the African American Research Library and Cultural Center on Sistrunk Blvd., and checking out my book? If it’s not available, please ask the librarian to put it on hold. Thank you so much!

If you haven’t done so yet, please sign up for my mailing list where you will receive updates on my books, giveaways and other author events.

courtesy morguefile

Summer is here, and like most people you may be planning to spend some lazy days soaking up some sun and surf. I’m sure you have some essentials you take with you to the beach: towel, umbrella, sunscreen, water… How about a book to help you pass those balmy hours? And if you decide to take one, how about one that’s set in a lovely tropical island with scenes that mimic the beach you are lying on? My Christian women’s fiction novel Coming Out of Egypt has all that and more. Here is part of  a beach scene from the book:

The ocean shimmered under the morning sun. There wasn’t a soul in sight. Reason told her she should go back, but this was too much to turn away from. Here she could find the peace and quiet she needed to communicate with God in a way she hadn’t done in a long time. She ambled along, the wind whipping her hair, the salty air tingling her nostrils and smarting her eyes, the sand beneath her sneakers, gritty, but yielding. She took off her sneakers and socks and drifted near the water, allowing the frothy waves to break over her feet, enjoying the feel of the sand melting under them.

Can you picture the scene? Do you wish you were there? Well, you can give free rein to your imagination with a copy of Coming Out of Egypt as part of your summer reading. And if you live in this area, why not come out to my book signing event on Sat. Jun 3rd at the African-American Research Library & Cultural Center, 2650 Sistrunk Blvd,, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311. You can pick up a signed copy and win a giveaway or two. So be there from 1. 00 p.m to meet with other interested readers and hear me read and talk about my book.  Can’t make it to the book signing? Then pick up your copy  here on kindle:     https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FNJ5EIU 
or here in print:  http://amzn.to/2qCJsQA

You are invited to attend my book signing event “Coming Out of Egypt” – Book 1 of the Egypt series – on Sat. Jun 3rd at the African-American Research Library and Cultural Center at 2650 W Sistrunk Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311. Some lucky person will come away with a Free autographed copy of Coming Out of Egypt.

You can still get your ebook version here, or if you prefer to get your print version before the event, you can get it here.

See you there.