If you are the mother of a teenage girl, there may be times when you wring your hands and wish you had a magic wand to wave over your daughter and make all your parenting woes disappear. Sadly, that won’t happen.

Kari Kampakis, mother of four girls, knows this and this is why she wrote Love Her Well, a manual chock full of realistic and optimistic advice for mothers of teenage girls. This is a book I wish I had when my daughter was a teenager, and which I intend to pass on to her so she can turn to it for help with her soon-to-be teenage daughter.

Every mother would love to have a good relationship with her daughter, but it’s not always easy during the teenage years. In Love Her Well, Kari advises mothers, among other things, to

  • give their daughter space
  • tell her what you love about her
  • protect her privacy
  • own up to your flaws
  • make her a priority

If you are the mother of a teenage girl, or one who is soon to be a teenager, or you have a friend who is the mother of a teenager, you need to get your hands on this book. It will bless you and your daughter and she will thank you for many years to come.

You can win a free copy of Love Her Well when you enter this giveaway:

Kari Kampakis, author

Christian, Spiritual Growth, Religious, Inspirational

Date Published: May 2, 2020

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Have you ever found yourself in a tough life situation and couldn’t find a way to get out of it?

Have you ever wondered what your true capabilities are and how to reveal your full potential?

Or maybe, you are seeking a tool that would boost up your motivation and teach you valuable life lessons?



I think this book will definitely make a shift in your life, so keep reading…



“THIS IS YOUR SHIFTING SEASON” – a book that is going to change your perception about your true inner power,  teach you valuable life lessons and show what is possible with dedication and the right strategies.



We all had good and bad times in our life, we all made mistakes, and we all have regrets. And it doesn’t matter what those times, mistakes or regrets are. If you are still living on this planet, you have the right to get better and move forward, just like I did…

Being lost for about 22 years, I finally found my life path, discovered strategies, and rules that led me out of the very bottom of my life. Years spent in and out jails, drug and alcohol addictions are now my past. I even managed to get them out of my brain. After so many years of darkness, I decided to dedicate my life to help others to find their own life path.


Here is just a short brief of what you are going to learn:


How to find your purpose in life?

RULES OF MANUAL TRANSMISSION – learn how to accelerate your life

Find your real destination. What is truly important?

The best way to start your SHIFTING SEASON

What is your real potential – a self-identification guide

Much much more…



And it doesn’t matter whether you believe in God or not, you are 20 years old or 60 years old, male or female, the strategies and rule inside this book will help you as much as it helped others.

Now it is your turn to make a decision, to take the first step, and turn on your unlimited life engine.


About the Author

Michael Mickey Williams Jr. an Atlantic City New Jersey native was once homeless, eating food out of trash cans, suicidal, addicted to heroin, and crack cocaine. He spent 22 years of his life in-and-out of jails and rehabilitation centers since he was a teenager. Nowadays, however, he’s married, a substance abuse counselor, a minister, and a ten-time published author with titles like “Pushed out the Crack House into God’s house, My Purpose is Greater than my struggles, and I’m a Giant Killer to name a few, he’s also one of the Co-founders of The Minor Adjustments Program which is dedicated to preventing and reducing crimes, their primary purpose is to teach men and women how to make the “Minor Adjustments” that are necessary for their lives, Their motto is “Anywhere but backward” Mr. Williams is a dedicated advocate for those who are struggling with addictions or criminal lifestyles, mainly because he struggled with those same barriers.

Beyond the Minor Adjustments Program, It is said that he was named “Preacher Boy” by his beautiful wife Lernell Apple Williams, his style of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ makes it easy for him to communicate to both the common people and the religious, his stated that he tries to use everyday language already familiar to his culture, with a purpose to always try to touch individual personal needs at the same time communicate spiritual truth.

As a father of seven, with four grandkids he credits his parents as the source of his perseverance and sense of self-reliance. After 22 years of being in bondage to addiction, Mr. Williams continues to be one of today’s most inspirational, encouraging, and influential men today.

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Southern Historical
Date Published: June 11, 2020
Publisher: Acorn Publishing

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Heaven Hill Plantation, upriver from Georgetown, South Carolina, 1807: Sixteen-year-old Alexandra Degambia is the daughter of a wealthy African American planter and a social-climbing mother who can pass for white. Balancing on the tightrope between girlhood and the complicated adult world of Low-Country society is a treacherous undertaking.

Early Reviews

Alexandra is a tenacious heroine who’s easy to root for, and the author elegantly articulates her precarious position between white and black society. Overall, this novel explores issues of equality and personal freedom in thought-provoking ways.

Sharp writing, an original plot, and a strong female protagonist make for an engrossing read.
-Kirkus Review

This tale of desperation, injustice and courage is a much needed addition to our grasp of our nation’s history. A 5-star reading experience. Highly recommend!”
Laura Taylor – 6-Time Romantic Times Award Winner

About the Author

Dorothea Hubble Bonneau is an award-winning novelist, produced playwright and optioned screenwriter. Inspired by a quest for justice, her work is informed by her love of family, nature, and the literary arts.

Dorothea is a member of Author’s Guild, Women in Film, Squaw Valley Community of Writers, Aspen Summer Words Alumni, and Historical Writers of America.

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Twitter: @DorotheaBonneau

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How are you all doing out there? I hope you and your family are following the guidelines and keeping safe. I haven’t posted much about my writing for a while. Part of it is due to the fact that I’ve
I have been working on my wellness blog, trying to help others during this trying time, and I’ve been slowly editing my latest novel, Love, Lies, and Grace and sending my chapters to my critique group for their input.

So I woke up this morning thinking I need to get back to writing and posting again. I’ve only been posting about other authors’ blitzes and virtual tours, and I hope some of you have taken advantage of some of the great offers. But to be honest, I think COVID-19 has stifled my creativity somewhat. I have a novella that I started working on some time ago and it’s collecting cyberdust right now.

But this morning, I stumbled across this video that has gone viral and, in addition to bringing a tear to my eye, it has brought me inspiration. It has shown me that the world is not a great, big ball of coronavirus, as they show it on TV, but it’s a place filled with people who can smile, clap for each other, and love each other. It has given me hope.

In case you haven’t seen it yet, you can view the video below. I believe it will bless you as it did me.


To learn more about my writing, and to receive news about my special offers please sign up on the form below.

If you love books and love wearing t-shirts then you may love to add one of these to your wardrobe.

Biographical Fiction, Drama
Published: February 2020
Publisher: Outskirts Press

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The Long Way Home is a compelling work of fiction set in 1950s Madison County, Nebraska.

At the heart of the story is Maggie Davis, a middle-aged widow and recent heiress to a grand Victorian manor. The stately home, which Maggie shares with her spirited nine-year-old daughter Jenna, also serves as a bed and breakfast to a once regular, but now transitory, clientele.

The kitchen table is the epicenter of lively, often contentious, dialogue where no topics are off-limits. An outspoken neighbor and routine visitor delights in keeping everyone on guard with her opinionated tirades but is frequently reigned in by an elderly, equally forthright family member who has recently become a permanent dweller at the manor.

Maggie finds herself struggling with the painful memories of her husband’s tragic death, as well as the stirrings in her heart associated with a new house guest. A scandalous scheme to swindle her out of her property rides on the heels of a sudden, unexpected death, pointing to a member of the family as a suspect. Set against an intriguing backdrop of family secrets, scandal, love, and humor, the story culminates with an emotional twist.

About the Author

D.L. Norris is a notable author and motivational speaker who has written numerous short stories and articles on health, emotional wellness, family, and cultural history. Norris’s novel, The Long Way Home, captures in colorful, humorous style the actual events and cultural mindsets surrounding her Scandinavian family and personal life experiences. Norris’s expressive writing style quickly engages her readers and encourages them to sit back and enjoy a nostalgic, magical journey. She and her husband are happily retired in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, where she continues a passion for writing.

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Date Published: January 2018

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Sonny Galas is an only child being raised by his mother-a widow—and the loving help of his grandfather, also widowed. Living in a Santa Monica apartment complex owned by ‘Grandpa’ all is well and average for this close-knit family until a certain French family come into the picture, in need of a place to rent. They soon show their colors in various ways, topping it off by slapping a suit on their patient, kind landlord. Sonny’s family sees no better option than selling their only asset-the apartments-and getting far away from their Lawyer-packing tenants. Far, as in ‘leaving the country’, and this is where their true adventure begins. South of the border becomes their new home. 

From their journey through third-world narrow roads, small towns where no English is spoken, to long, hot unending desert roads and through humid coastal towns they continue toward their big city destination, Guadalajara, where their life begins and they encounter everything and everyone from kind helpers to con-artists and crazies and from strangers to good friends, both Mexican and American. From young boy to teenager, as the years pass, Sonny sees it all: his family’s ups and downs, the country’s ups and downs with its own political third-world corruption, and his own transformation from a simple boy in a new country to a growing youth, fully fluent in Spanish; a devilish yet fun-loving teenager now with roots firmly planted and sprouting happily in his new home, his new country. From the adventures and joys of boyhood with his friends and pals to the wild days through grade school, junior high and high school with the opportunities given him as a bi-lingual kid to living through the set-backs that could trouble any family-Mexican or American-even scare of the faint of heart, he takes it all in; after all, now he’s Mexican. The fiestas, the friends, the awesome busy modern streets of Guadalajara in the early Seventies to the early Eighties, Guadalajara, the country’s capital of Mariachis.

Edmond Salus

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Women’s Fiction
Publisher: Outskirts Press

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2019 CIPA EVVY AWARD – Merit Award Women’s Fiction

Life is never static. Just when you think you finally have everything under control, that illusion is shattered…and the life you once knew has spun off in unimaginable directions. Seeking Glory is an eloquent novel that explores the complexities of family relationships. With themes of loss, recovery, estrangement, and reconciliation woven throughout, it tells the story of a woman who seeks to uncover the truth about her young granddaughter’s origins.

Kate takes custody of her young granddaughter Glory after the death of Ally, her long missing daughter but soon discovers that Glory is mute and seemingly traumatized. To help her, she must try to solve the mystery of her granddaughter’s origins. As she struggles to deal with her own and Ally’s past she finds she is not the only one seeking Glory.

About the Author

Patricia Hamilton Shook was born in Massachusetts and while she has lived there most of her life, she also spent twelve years in the San Francisco Bay area where she obtained a B.A.in Psychology and a M.A. in Developmental Psychology from San Francisco State University. Soon after her marriage, Dr. Shook returned to Massachusetts where she obtained a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Northeastern University while raising the their two sons and working part time. Reading has been a favorite pastime since she first began combining letters into words on a page and while her chosen profession has provided many opportunities to write, she has always dreamed of writing a novel. In writing Seeking Glory she combines her professional expertise with an interest in spirituality and mysteries–along with a love of Cape Cod that dates back to childhood–to inform her debut novel Seeking Glory.

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Despite the coronavirus pandemic, Christians all over the world are celebrating Easter Sunday or Resurrection Sunday, the day Jesus rose from the grave.

Have you ever wondered how this day came about? What led up to Easter Sunday and who were the major players? I have written a short ebook, one you can read in less than ten minutes , called For God So Loved. It shows how God set the stage for the greatest event in history, and how it all transpired. And I would like you to have a FREE copy of this book.

Here’s a brief description:

Have you ever wondered how God must have felt watching His only Son Jesus Christ as He hung on the cross? In fact, the Bible tells us God was so overwrought He turned away from His Son. Why did He give Him up to die in the first place? The answer? “For God So Loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3: 16). This short story is my creative interpretation of what the scene must have been like on that first Good Friday as our Father and His Son made the ultimate sacrifice for you and me. 

Get your FREE copy here.

After you’ve read it, please be so kind as to leave a review on Amazon. Also, you can check out this women’s fiction promo now running. In the Wilderness, the second book in my Egypt trilogy, is among the selection of fine books now being offered.

Women’s Fiction Promo

March is Women’s History Month in the US, and while the month is almost over, I believe it’s never too late to celebrate the women of the world. Our contributions to society are manifold but very often taken for granted.

In this post, I want to pay tribute to women who have gone before –the women of the Bible as they are usually referred to. Women of their era were often treated as second-class citizens. They could be used, misused, abused, and discarded at the whim of their menfolk. The Bible records their stories as a testimony to their strength, resilience and faith.

I have a written a book that will help you pass the time and lift your spirits as you “shelter in place” during this coronavirus outbreak. The title of the book is Women For All Seasons, and in it I highlight some of the issues women faced in Biblical times and which we still face today — infertility, sibling rivalry, infidelity, financial hardship, jealousy, marital problems, and so much more. I chose this title because the stories of these women reflect the seasons we all go through. Young and single, middle-aged and married, old and widowed, we are all part of God’s divine plan.

The tone of the book is light and engaging, so that anyone– believer or non-believer– will find it easy to read, but at the same time they will not miss the underlying message of faith it portrays. Each chapter is written from the point of view of the character, giving you an in-depth look at her thoughts, feelings and personality.

At the end of the chapter is the application or “Insight,” followed by questions for your reflection and a list of scriptural references. You may choose to use the book as a devotional, Bible study, journal or all three.

Following is an excerpt from the first story – Esther, Woman of Courage

Esther pauses in brushing her hair as her uncle, Mordecai rushes into the room, waving a scroll. He has been looking after her since her parents’ death and has taught Esther proper manners as becoming a woman of society. He is always telling her that she is destined for great things. His eyes shine with excitement and she knows he is up to something.

Esther smiles at him. “What is it, uncle Mordecai?”

He unfolds the paper to the center page and hands it to her. “Look at this.”


“This is your big chance, my dear. You are going to be queen.”

“But … but, uncle Mordecai, I am a Jew. The king will never consider me.”

“Never mind. Come, get your things. We are going to the palace.”

Mordecai doesn’t give Esther time to question his assumptions. He hustles her over to the palace, where she joins the other young women who are being groomed for a night with the king. Hegai, who is in charge of the young ladies, is so impressed with Esther’s beauty and humility, he gives her the best quarters and seven maids to attend to her needs. And every day Mordecai goes to the palace to enquire how she is doing.

Finally, after twelve months of preparation, Esther is ready to go in to the king. Each young woman is allowed to take whatever she wants for that night, however Esther does not ask for anything other than what Hegai advises her to take. As she is led to the king’s chambers, Esther knows she has never looked more beautiful. Her attendants have helped her bathe in perfumed water, brushed her hair until it shone, then decorated it with exquisite ribbons and jewels. As for her gown. She has never expected to wear something so gorgeous, so extravagant, but now as she nears the huge carved door manned by uniformed guards, Esther wonders what she has gotten herself into. She wishes more than anything to be back with her uncle Mordecai in their humble abode. But the guards open the door and she is in the king’s presence.

King Xerxes immediately falls in love with Esther. “You are the loveliest of all the maidens I have seen so far. You shall be my queen.”

He claps his hand and an aide appears at his side. “Bring me the royal diadem.”

The crown, glittering with myriad precious stones is borne on a velvet cushion and the king places it on her head. Later, at a banquet attended by thousands of the richest and most powerful in the land, the king announces that Esther is queen.

Her eyes catch those of Mordecai in the crowd, smiling and looking very pleased with himself. Esther has risen from obscurity to become queen over one hundred and twenty seven provinces. However, she doesn’t forget her uncle Mordecai, who continues to sit at the palace gates so he can keep an eye on her.

Soon, however, Esther’s loyalty will be challenged. Haman, one of the king’s officials, plots to kill all the Jews because Mordecai refuses to bow down to him. Mordecai discovers the plot and informs Esther, urging her to intercede with the king on behalf of the Jewish people.

And now comes the dilemma. How can she speak up for the Jewish people when the king does not know she is a Jew? Furthermore, no one, not even Esther, can go into the king’s presence unless invited to do so. And Esther has not seen him in thirty days. The only way she will be spared from death is if he were to extend the golden scepter to her when she goes in unannounced.

Esther dispatches a messenger to relay this message to Mordecai, who sends back this answer: “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”

Mordecai’s words spur Esther to take action. She has to do something even if it means placing her own life in jeopardy. She sends a reply to Mordecai to call all the Jews in Susa to fast for three days while she and her maidens also fast. “When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish”

To read more about Esther and other women of the Bible, purchase the kindle version from Amazon at the low price of .99c. It will bless your heart this Easter season and for all the seasons to come. Get Women For All Seasons here.

Also, if you have not yet signed up for my newsletter, do so now in the form below.

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This week is Smashwords’ eleventh annual Read an Ebook Week Sale, and you can get a FREE copy of Coming Out of Egypt when you visit the site,

Yes, you read that right. Coming Out of Egypt, book 1 of the Egypt trilogy. But you have to hurry because the sale ends tomorrow. You can also pick up a wide variety of books discounted by as much as 75%. Remember, there are thousands of books, so if you don’t see the ones you’re interested in right away, keep searching until you find them. 

An encouraging review

If you have not yet read In the Promised Land book 3 of the Egypt trilogy, this 4-star review I received this week may help you make up your mind. Kathleen posted this review on Goodreads:

This book mainly follows the lives of two sisters, Marva and June. Marva is a nun who works in at Corpus Christi Home for Girls, and June is an aspiring lawyer. They experience both joys and difficult times as they deepen their faith and move towards God’s good plan for their lives. The stories of other characters are also interspersed in the book, and add a great dimension to the book. This is a good book for anyone who likes an interesting, sweet Christian story. I would recommend that you read the first two books in the series. Even though the story stands alone, I think I would have enjoyed it better with more of the backstory. 

So, if you decide to get Coming Out of Egypt free this weekend, then you can follow up with In the Wilderness,book 2 and In the Promised Land,book 3.

If you get any of these books, please leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Also, to learn more about me and my writing, please sign up to receive my newsletter and other offers. Have a lovely weekend.  

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