You may have heard about new writers who got their manuscripts accepted by big publishing houses and you may be thinking they were either super lucky or extremely talented. Both may be true, but more often than not, those writers had been applying their efforts in the right places. They were reading the right books, attending conferences, networking and, most importantly, honing their skills through writing consistently.
This past week, a lady from Hubpages, a site that I write for, received unexpected notice when she was called for an interview on TLC. This lady could not believe her good fortune, but everyone on Hubpages who knows her, knows that she is one of the most consistent and most popular hubbers. She writes great hubs and engages well with her audience. When the news of her TV appearance was broadcast on Hubpages, the comments and congratulations poured in.
She might have been on television for only fifteen minutes, but that little slot can propel her to the highest echelons of success. Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Do one thing every day that scares you.” That’s heavy. But if you think about it, we neglect to promote ourselves or promote our work because we are afraid. Or, we think it’s too much of an effort. Today, begin to make the effort. You never know where it may lead you.