Despite the coronavirus pandemic, Christians all over the world are celebrating Easter Sunday or Resurrection Sunday, the day Jesus rose from the grave.
Have you ever wondered how this day came about? What led up to Easter Sunday and who were the major players? I have written a short ebook, one you can read in less than ten minutes , called For God So Loved. It shows how God set the stage for the greatest event in history, and how it all transpired. And I would like you to have a FREE copy of this book.
Here’s a brief description:
Have you ever wondered how God must have felt watching His only Son Jesus Christ as He hung on the cross? In fact, the Bible tells us God was so overwrought He turned away from His Son. Why did He give Him up to die in the first place? The answer? “For God So Loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3: 16). This short story is my creative interpretation of what the scene must have been like on that first Good Friday as our Father and His Son made the ultimate sacrifice for you and me.
After you’ve read it, please be so kind as to leave a review on Amazon. Also, you can check out this women’s fiction promo now running. In the Wilderness, the second book in my Egypt trilogy, is among the selection of fine books now being offered.