Welcome to my site! This is the place where I showcase my writing skills and my love for writing in general. I specialize in articles dealing with health and rehabilitation as well as Christianity. I’m also a writer of fiction and non-fiction. I’m glad you are visiting me on Blog Jog Day,  an annual event when we bloggers support each other by visiting blogs and leaving comments. So, I invite you to browse my site and if you leave a comment, you will be entered in a drawing to receive a free copy of my new book Women For All Seasons, postage paid. If you would like to know more about the book you may visit my webpage at http://www.outskirtspress.com/womenforallseasons.


So, enjoy my site, and when you’re done, please jog over to Deanna Jewel at http://deannajewel.blogspot.com to see what her blog has to offer. If you have the time you may also visit my other site at http://www.quildonwrites.blogspot.com.  Each blog should link you to another one, but if you get lost in the links you can always go back to the main Blog Jog Day Blog at http://blogjogday.blogspot.com/. Thanks and have a wonderful day!

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