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Eliana, God Has Answered by Candace Charbonne is the tragic story that no woman ever wants to tell. It’s the story of a woman giving birth to a stillborn baby after 37 weeks and 5 days of pregnancy and the gut-wrenching details of how Jesus Christ helped her cope during the darkest period of her life.

How does a mother process the fact that the baby she had carried inside her almost to full term was now gone and all she has left are the hundreds of pictures she took after giving birth? How does she explain to her young children, who had eagerly awaited the birth of their baby sister, that she is in heaven and that God took her for a reason?

Candace, a devout Catholic, drew on her faith in God and the support of good friends and family members to help her get through this trying time. This type of pain does not go away easily, and Candace continued to struggle with her grief for months afterward. However, God showed Himself to her in mysterious ways and she became pregnant again. This pregnancy was short-lived and she and her husband gave up on the idea of having another baby.

But God had the last word. One year after losing Eliana, Candace became pregnant again. This baby, a boy whom they named Jeremiah, also had some difficulties before birth, but by God’s grace, he survived. Whether you have ever lost a baby or not, this book will have you reaching for the Kleenex as you share in Candace’s pain and grief. It will enhance your faith in God as you learn of the way He cares and supports us in our most difficult moments. Whatever your situation in life, I strongly encourage you to get a copy of this book.

To purchase your copy, go to this link:  https://bit.ly/3r6z7Rr

Literary Fiction

Date Published: October 26, 2022

Publisher: MindStir Media

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Sitting on a Rainbow: A 21st century Irish American Morality Tale, is a story of severe loss and courageous resilience, financial markets and malfeasances, Irish history and mythology, despicable greed and justice rendered, and broken promises remaining to be mended.

Set in West Palm Beach, Fl. in 2013, or thereabouts, protagonist Patrick Connelly (a.k.a. Paddy or Pat) is a mid-fifties paraplegic and veteran stockbroker/financial adviser at a major Wall Street firm.

About the Author

First-time author James Patrick Rooney was born in Bronx, New York, raised in Westchester County and has been living and working in Northern Palm Beach County, Florida for his entire adult life. Young Jimmy’s first loves included sports, particularly ice hockey, a variety of music and culture, and his adopted homeland of Ireland.

When a hockey-related injury at age nineteen left him a paraplegic, he turned his focus away from the physical toward developing his mind. Soon after finishing college at then infamous “Suntan U,” he began a successful thirty-year career in financial advisory with a major Wall Street firm. About that same time, he met his enduring love – his family. Married to Cindy ever since, together they’ve raised two superb children, Patrick and Megan, who are now thriving young adults.

While managing an ambitious reading group (2005-2014), Jim was inspired to write more competently (i.e., several college-level creative writing courses and other modes of self-learning). To hone his skills he wrote short stories, imaginary book reviews for his reading group, and later edited and authored articles for the lifestyle website Throomers (2018-2020). After stepping away from financial advisory in 2014, he began working on his first novel. As is often said, starting with a few core ideas the story then wrote itself.

Part memoir, part fiction, part fantasy, Sitting on a Rainbow is an honest look at living with disability, while it also offers an insider’s view of retail financial advisory and celebrates the current-day relevance of Irish history and mythology. Jim hopes his lighthearted, romantic, suspenseful, and cautionary morality tale will entertain all who come and sit on the rainbow with him.


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Browsing through the internet, I came across a list of authors’ blogs and I decided to pause in my scrolling and see what other authors were writing about. You guessed it, I was looking for ideas. I found an author who wrote on a subject I heard other authors talk about and even participated in. The subject was what makes an author successful. Now, if you are a reader, you know who the successful authors are, and if you are a writer you know that too.

But how do you define success as far as your writing goes? Is it when you sell your first million copies or when you sell your first thousand? Or is it when you get on the New York Times Bestseller list? The author of the blog said another author complimented her on helping her with another business, then asked how come she was not a megastar in the writing world.

Naturally, the author was taken aback. Which brings me to the title of this post A Book Goes Home. A few weeks ago I visited Trinidad and Tobago, my homeland and I took a few copies of my debut book Coming Out of Egypt. I wanted to do something I should have done years ago when the book was first published — donate them to the San Fernando Carnegie Library which is featured in the book.

I was surprised to see all the changes that had taken place over the years. The building I visited used to be the only lending library in San Fernando and it was stocked wall to wall with books. It has now been transformed into a reference library and the lending library has been moved to another location.

But what shocked me was the response I received from the assistant librarian when I introduced myself. He said, “Oh, we know you, and we know your book.”

I said, “You do?”

He said, “Yes, we know this book.”

I didn’t press him, but his reception — feigned or not — made me smile. He invited me to wait so I could meet the head librarian who was out on lunch. When I told him I was in a bit of a hurry, he wrote her name and number on a paper and gave it to me so I could call her. Later, when I spoke to her on the phone, she sounded just as happy to meet me as her coworker had.

So, is that success? I would say, yes. Are the 5-star reviews on my sales page a measure of success? Yes. When someone meets me and says how much she enjoyed my book, that to my mind is success. I know that many writers, yours truly included, struggle to sell books. On any given day, someone is giving a course or a webinar on how to sell more books so we could one day qualify for the world’s definition of success. But for many that definition remains an elusive dream.

Someone said, “Sir, there will always be a man more handsome than you; lady, there will always be a woman more beautiful than you. Stop comparing yourself to others.”

I leave you with this quote borrowed from the writer’s blog: The measure of achievement is not winning awards. It’s doing something that you appreciate, something you believe is worthwhile. I think of my strawberry soufflé. I did that at least twenty-eight times before I finally conquered it. — Julia Child

What is your idea of success? Leave a comment in the box below

Angela writes contemporary Christian women’s fiction. She is the author of four novels and one Christian non-fiction book and has written for devotionals and anthologies such as Chicken Soup For the Soul and Guidepost.

To Grieve, Smile, Laugh, Respect and Lead!


Christian / Nonfiction

Date Published: October 3, 2018

Publisher: MindStir Media

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You Raise Me Up centers on the author’s journey of coping with his wife’s passing. Anyone who has lost a spouse can use this book as a tool to recover from loss. In this book, the author feels his late wife’s outstretched- blanket that helps to cope through, “Grief”, “to Smile”, “to Laugh”, “to Respect” and most important, “to Lead”. Those were her “fruits” to live by.



About the Author

Thomas J. (Tom) Snee stepped down as the former National Executive Director for Fleet Reserve Association (FRA), Alexandria, VA. He is a retired Navy Master Chief /Surface Warfare Specialist with over 30 years of naval service, and a Vietnam Veteran. He has since returned to teaching, to motivate and inspire Middle and High School students in the Northern Virginia area. He is continually active with his Church, Boy Scouts, and other Youth Groups.

A Cleveland, Ohio native, Tom grew up and graduated in 1965 from Willoughby South High School, Willoughby, OH; Mohegan Community College, Norwich, CT, AS, Liberal Arts; Excelsior College, Albany, NY, BS, Liberal Arts/Psychology; and George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, M.Ed, Education Leadership. He is a member of the FRA, Knights of Columbus, Surface Navy Association (SNA) and National Eagle Scout Association (NESA). Mr. Snee was married to the late Karen A. Habina for 46 years, having a family of four children and seven grandchildren. He currently resides in Burke, VA.


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You Raise Me Up centers on the author’s journey of coping with his wife’s passing. Anyone who has lost a spouse can use this book as a tool to recover from loss. In this book, the author feels his late wife’s outstretched- blanket that helps to cope through, “Grief”, “to Smile”, “to Laugh”, “to Respect” and most important, “to Lead”. Those were her “fruits” to live by.

Angela is a blogger and author of Christian women’s fiction and Christian romance. Her latest release is Making Music Together.


African American Urban Fiction

Date Published: 06-06-2023

Publisher: Kcin Entertainment Group

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The Waters’ are a strong, prominent black family in Philadelphia with access to the good life. Money, power, and lack of respect flow through the tight-knit family as destruction threatens to rock the foundation they are all trying to keep together.

Judge Waters and his wife, Lillian, work overtime to save their marriage, but when hatred and bitterness take over, all bets are off. Once the fighting starts, their children Keenan Jr., Naomi, and Saint go off into the world, wearing their parent’s drama as a coat of arms. They then lie, cheat, and steal, causing havoc in the lives they come across, just like their mother and father taught them to do.

Ultimately, damaging secrets and decade-old lies will all come crashing down around them. When death comes knocking, The Waters Family and their shattered fate hang in the balance, wondering what’s coming next . . .


About the Author

Nick Haskins is the author of My Husband’s Wife, Betrayed, She’s Obsessed, and his new book series, Dark Waters, dropping this summer. Nick was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, where he currently resides. After years of aspiring to become a professional screenwriter, he began to shape his creative dreams and released his first African American fiction book, On the Edge of Heat, in 2011. In addition, Nick has been actively working on his first feature film and developing a new streaming series.

Readers can visit Nick’s website at www.nickhaskinsbooks.com, email him at nickhaskinsbooks@gmail.com, or follow him on social media @iamnickhaskins

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Angela is a blogger and author of Christian women’s fiction and Christian romance. Her latest release is Making Music Together.

Info about His Only Son and Angel Studios: invest.Angel.com/son

Release Date: March 31st, 2023

Run Time: 96 minutes 

Rating: PG-13 (thematic elements)

Tagline: His Faith Was Tested. Our Hope Was Born. 

His Only Son is an independent film made by Angel Studios on a shoestring budget of less than $250,000. It was initially set to premiere in around 600 theaters but thanks to a crowdfund that raised over 1,235,000 in under a week and overwhelmingly positive reviews from audience members, it’s now showing in 1,200 theaters and counting.

His Only Son recounts one of the most controversial moments in the Old Testament—when Abraham was commanded by God to sacrifice his son Isaac on the mountain of Moriah. While traveling to the place of the sacrifice, alongside Isaac and two servants, Abraham is flooded with vivid memories from the years he and Sarah spent longing for the son they were promised—the son he must now lay upon the altar.

 This is one of the most impactful Easter films in a generation

A few things about His Only Son you might like to know:

The sacrifice of Abraham and Isaac parallels the sacrifice of Christ on the cross

The location where Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac, Mount Moriah, is also believed to be the same location where the Temple in Jerusalem was built, where Christ was later crucified.

Angel Studios has produced several titles through crowdfunding, including The Chosen—whose episodes have been viewed over 420 million times—Dry Bar ComedyThe Wingfeather Saga, and The Tuttle Twins.

This beautiful movie has already been made, but is set to be released theatrically during the 2023 Easter season, beginning March 31.

Tickets are selling fast. To see His Only Son in theaters this Easter, purchase your tickets now at  https://bit.ly/hisonlysonfg

GIVEAWAY – https://www.blessedfreebies.com/his-only-son-giveaway.html

Film Website: Here

Social Pages:  Instagram Facebook IMDb YouTube 

You can follow me on Facebook Instagram Twitter

Women’s Christian Fiction and  Romance 

Date Published: March 7, 2023

Publisher: Jess Mo Books

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Sometimes genuine love requires uncompromising sacrifice.


It’s easy to make an idol of routine—finding comfort in the boundaries set before you. Something About Ruth is an intricately woven, magnificently crafted story about three ordinary strangers, who, after Katrina, are plucked from their own securities and set against unordinary circumstances. But fate brings them together.


Ruth, an outsider.

Naomi, a wounded mother.

Boaz, a no-nonsense man of character.


The path that brings them all together is scarred with the pain of loss, the bitterness of starting over, and the faith that sustains them. 

Early Reviews

“This story will take you back in time while holding you in the present moment. Ruth jumps off the page with her bright narrative and unique character, it’s a must read!” 

~Brikitta Hairston 

 “Belonging and finding love was just a piece of what belonged to her.” 

~Crystal Books and Soul 

 “If the author doesn’t put this on audio, AND have the screenplay written for a 90 minute TV movie, she is doing her talent a disservice!” 

~Kay Bee’s Bookshelf


Spotify Playlists




  About the Author

JC Miller is a freshly anointed, faith-based author who uses her childhood experiences in the Bronx, New York, to capture the soul of inner-city living. As a former student of Chicago’s Moody Bible Institute and a graduate of the Te’Hillah School of Urban Ministry, Miller utilizes her studies to intertwine pop culture with divine accounts of biblical characters. Through sharing these stories, her goals are to encourage people to study the bible and not make it complicated, to view themselves through the lives of those characterized, and to find healing in Christ.

JC Miller recently co-founded a publishing company, Jess, Mo’ Books, with her childhood friend, M.R. Spain. Together, these ladies are creating fresh content to uplift, educate, and motivate women through blogs, social media groups, and a yearly online magazine.

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Excerpt from Something About Ruth

Ruth’s face became stern, and from the cramped backseat she zoomed in on my eyes through the rearview mirror.

“Listen, Ma Nay, wherever you go, I’m going, and where you stay, I’ll stay.” I turned to face her because I felt the presence of another party in the car. Ruth’s response wasn’t even on the level of her understanding…it was higher. She was speaking what the Holy Spirit conveyed.

“Your family will be my family, and ya God my God. So help me; where you die, I’ll die, and I’ll be buried right there next to you,” she insisted without batting an eye. Ruth held her hand up as though taking an oath.

“May God deal with me alone if anything but death separates us!”

Angela is a blogger and author of Christian women’s fiction and Christian romance. Her latest release is Making Music Together.

This women’s History Month I would like to highlight female writers who hail from the Caribbean as a means of showcasing the contribution these women made to the world of literature.

First on the list is Rosa Guy (1925-2012), who was born in Trinidad (my native country) and immigrated to Harlem, New York. Her parents died while Rosa was very young, and she lived for a time with a relative who was a supporter of black nationalist Marcus Garvey. Rosa attended New York University where she studied theater and writing and at the American Negro Theater she studied acting.

In 1950, Rosa went on to cofound the Harlem Writers’ Guild, an organization that nurtured the works of prominent writers such as Paule Marshall, Audre Lorde, and Maya Angelou. When Rosa died in 2012, Maya Angelou said of her, “she was never afraid of the truth.” 

Indeed, while Rosa wrote for both adults and young adults, her books explored topics that were off-limits for young adults at the time — topics such as the tensions between African Americans and West Indian Blacks, unwanted pregnancy, and same-sex relationships.

Rosa wrote sixteen novels, the most successful one for adults being My Love, My Love: Or, The Peasant Girl (1985), a retelling of “The Little Mermaid” set on a Caribbean island. This novel was adapted into a musical and ran on Broadway for over a year while being nominated for eight Tony awards. Rosa’s work received the Coretta Scott King award, the New York Times Outstanding Book of the Year citation, and the American Library Association’s Best Book Award.

Rosa’s work was not only limited to the stage or to writing. She became an activist in traditional civil rights and also in a Black nationalist literary organization, On Guard for Freedom. This group featured in a famous protest at the United Nations during the Bay of Pigs Cuban invasion and actively supported the liberation of the Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba.

If you read one book by a Caribbean author this women’s history month, make it one by Rosa Guy.

Angela is a blogger and author of Christian women’s fiction and Christian romance. Her latest release is Making Music Together.

Who has never heard the stirring hymn “Amazing Grace,” written by John Newton? One biographer states that the hymn has had the honor of being translated into over 50 languages and about 10 million performances of this hymn are done every year, so it’s fair to say that this hymn has reached and touched the lives of millions around the world. And now you can learn the true story of the author when you get a copy of this book.

The introduction to the book Amazing Grace cites many instances where the hymn was sung during moments of intense national grieving in the United States as a means of bringing hope and comfort to the nation. The book itself tells the surprising true story of its author and reveals Newton’s dramatic story of sin and salvation as a slave trader before his ultimate transformation to speaking out against the horror of slavery. His story speaks to the brokenness within us all and our need for God’s amazing grace—and reveals the truth behind his song.

Since the first public singing of Amazing Grace almost 250 years ago, every generation has been profoundly moved by the song, and now readers can connect with John Newton’s story like never before. In these days of extreme polarization when beliefs about race, church, and politics have all become deeply divisive in society, we need grace more than ever. We need stories like this one that talk honestly about the human condition but even more about the relentless love of God and his forgiveness of sins.

This book reads like a novel and grasped my interest even from the introduction. I’m happy that I was able to get a copy of this book and I highly recommend it to anyone who has been touched by the hymn or knows someone who can benefit from reading this profound story about someone who was just like we were — lost in sin and saved by God’s amazing grace.

You can get a free copy of this book by following this link:  https://www.blessedfreebies.com/amazing-grace-giveaway.html

To purchase:  http://bit.ly/3YZRWRT

Angela is a blogger and author of Christian women’s fiction and Christian romance. Her latest release is Making Music Together.

Book #7 in the Sail Away Series

Contemporary Romantic Women’s Fiction

Date Published: March 8, 2023


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Set sail to new adventures and escapes with eight best-selling authors in the exciting new Sail Away series!


Sometimes magic happens…


Gabby Willets returns to her hometown of Ellenton, NY, to care for her father, who’s dying of cancer. She and her father are exceptionally close because her mother died giving birth to her in a situation that should never have happened. As Gabby was growing up, she and her father shared a love of cars and even participated in a few races. Her father suggests she work at the Dan Davis Lexus Dealership, where he has been head mechanic for years, and Gabby decides to do it. When a contest is announced with the prize of two tickets for a 10-day Caribbean cruise for the salesperson selling the most cars in a two-month period, Gabby goes for it, competing against the owner’s son, Hank.

Gabby wins the tickets, and she and her best friend, Jessica Knight, board the ship, Tropical Magic, hoping for some magic of their own. The cruise is full of surprises starting with Hank’s arrival with Ashley Phillips, the woman he’s been dating—a woman both Gabby and Jess detest with good cause. Though Hank and Gabby have been attracted to one another, they don’t act on it because dating someone you work with seldom works, and Gabby doesn’t want to lose her job. But as Gabby and Hank get to know one another, magic does happen and suddenly they’re faced with different choices.

Surprises continue, including the most touching surprise of all when Gabby and Hank discover more than a cruise was at stake.


Judith Keim is a USA Today Bestselling Author known for creating characters and stories her many loyal readers love. Join Gabby and Hank and others in this heart-warming story of love’s magic in The Sail Away series.

Dont miss any of the Sail Away books!



Book 1: Welcome Aboard – prologue book

Book 2: The Sound of the Sea by Jessie Newton

Book 3: Uncharted Waters by Tammy L. Grace

Book 4: A Not So Distant Shore by Ev Bishop

Book 5: Caroline, Adrift by Kay Bratt

Book 6: Moonlight On the Lido Deck by Violet Howe

Book 7: The Winning Tickets by Judith Keim

Book 8: Lost At Sea by Patricia Sands

Book 9: The Last Port of Call by Elizabeth Bromke


About the Author

Judith Keim, A USA Today Best-Selling Author, is a hybrid author who both has a publisher and self-publishes. Ms. Keim writes heart-warming novels about women who face unexpected challenges, meet them with strength, and find love and happiness along the way, stories with heart. Her best-selling books are based, in part, on many of the places she’s lived or visited and on the interesting people she’s met, creating believable characters and realistic settings her many loyal readers love.

She enjoyed her childhood and young-adult years in Elmira, New York, and now makes her home in Boise, Idaho, with her husband and their two domineering dachshunds, Winston and Wally, and other members of her family.

While growing up, she was drawn to the idea of writing stories from a young age. Books were always present, being read, ready to go back to the library, or about to be discovered. All in her family shared information from the books in general conversation, giving them a wealth of knowledge and vivid imaginations.

When she’s not writing, which isn’t that often, she enjoys an evening glass of red wine and her husband’s creative cooking and always loves spending time with family and friends.

Ms. Keim loves to hear from her readers and appreciates their enthusiasm for her stories.

To sign up for her newsletter, go here: https://BookHip.com/RRGJKGN


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