November 2018
Monthly Archive

Authors have a way of talking to their characters, did you know that? And sometimes they talk back! So, I asked Marva and June, the two main characters of my Egypt series, what they would like to have for this Thanksgiving and over the holidays. They said they would like to be introduced to more people. I took the hint and decided to have a Cyber Monday special on the entire series so these precious girls can have their wish.
Let’s start with a top-down offer:
For a limited time, In the Promised Land, book 3 in the series, is available FREE, along with other bestselling, inspirational and clean titles when you join the promotion shown above. These novels will make a great addition to your holiday reading list, so hurry and get them while there is still time. BTW, yesterday in church, a lady who had read the first book Coming Out of Egypt, told me how much she enjoyed it, but said the only thing that disappointed her was that Marva and Jason didn’t end up together. I told her she would have to read the whole series to see what happened to them. That means reading In the Promised Land, now free as part of this inspirational, sweet and clean promotion.
Get It Free Now
Second on the list is In the Wildernessbook 2 of the Egypt trilogy, at the discounted price of 99c.
Here’s what one reviewer said of In the wilderness:
This powerful tale takes the reader into the world of Marva and June as they struggle to overcome the effects of years of abuse by their father. Marva is plagued by guilt over the death of her father; driven to suicidal thoughts, she has to find her way back to her faith and her life. The writer knows her craft – the characters are intense and vividly drawn and the setting is authentic. – Neil Daniel
And last but not least is book 1, Coming Out of Egypt.
Readers’ Favorite gave this book a five-star rating and said this:
Coming Out Of Egypt is an emotional story that also deals with the morals of a world that is not black and white. The story flows beautifully and is truly written in a compelling way. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to read a well written story with fully fleshed out characters who feel very real. You will not regret a single moment of time you spend with Marva and June.
So, here you have the perfect opportunity to read this entire series at a fraction of the regular cost. When you pick up any of these titles, please leave an honest review on Amazon or Goodreads so that other readers can be guided in making their choices.
Happy reading and happy Cyber Monday.

This is not the first day of November, as you know, but I just reflected that November is one of the happiest months of the year. Why? Well, fall is here, temperatures are dropping -although not too noticeable in my neck of the woods yet – and for those of you who live in cooler climes, you are enjoying the beautiful fall colors. Thanksgiving will soon be here, and that means getting together with friends and loved ones, feasting and having fun, and then it will be Christmas, the happiest time of the year for me.
November for us authors also means NaNoWriMo, the time when some of us try – and succeed – in writing an entire novel in one month. I have never tried to do it but I do step up on my writing and manage to accomplish more than I usually would. So, it does serve a good purpose.
November is also the month when we begin to advertise our sales. Yes, just like other businesses, we try to entice our readers by dropping our prices for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Look out for specials on all my books. And since November is the time most of you begin your Christmas shopping, it’s not too early to remind you of the offer I made last year: get a print, autographed copy of Coming Out of Egypt, complete with swag, for just $15.00, postage paid.
November 1st was Read A Short Story Day. I participated in a special promo to mark the day with The Unwelcome Wedding Guest, the short story shown below. As an early Christmas gift to you, you can download the story free of cost. Read and enjoy!
Today, my spotlight falls on Chance For Rain, a gripping women's fiction by an amazing author, Tricia Downing. Enter now to win a copy of this book and a gift card.

Fiction—Romance, Women’s Fiction
Date Published: August 2018
Publisher: Front Street Press
Elite athlete Rainey Abbott is an intense competitor on the outside, but inside, she feels a daunting apprehension about her chances of finding true love. Her life as a downhill skier and race car driver keeps her on the edge, but her love life is stuck in neutral. A tragedy from her past has left her feeling insecure and unlovable.
Now that she’s in her thirties, Rainey’s best friend Natalie insists she take a leap and try online dating. Rainey connects with brian85 and becomes cautiously hopeful as a natural attraction grows between them. Fearful a face to face meeting could ruin the magic, Rainey enlists Natalie to scheme up an encounter between the two where Brian is unaware he is meeting his online mystery woman. Rainey is left feeling both guilty about the deception and disappointed by something Brian says.
When they finally meet in earnest, Rainey’s insecurities threaten to derail the blossoming romance. As she struggles with self-acceptance, she reveals the risks we all must take to have a chance for love.
About the Author

Tricia Downing is recognized as a pioneer in the sport of women’s paratriathlon, as the first female paraplegic to finish an Iron distance triathlon. She has competed in that sport both nationally and internationally, in addition to competing in road racing and other endurance events. She has represented the United States in international competition in five different sport disciplines—cycling (as a tandem pilot prior to her 2000 accident), triathlon, duathlon, rowing and Olympic style shooting, in which she was a member of Team USA at the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
She was featured in the Warren Miller documentary Superior Beings and on the lifestyle TV magazine show Life Moments. She has been featured in Muscle and Fitness Hers, Mile High Sports and Rocky Mountain Sports magazines.
Additionally, she is founder of The Cycle of Hope (, a non-profit organization designed for female wheelchair users to promote health and healing on all levels—mind, body and spirit.
Tricia studied Journalism as an undergraduate at the University of Maryland and holds Masters degrees in both Sports Management (Eastern Illinois University) and Disability Studies (Regis University).
She lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband Steve and two cats, Jack and Charlie. Visit Tricia at
Reading a short story is a good way to keep up with your reading without having to sacrifice hours or days of your time to finishing a book. Some short stories have as much literary merit as full-length books. In fact, many famous writers either began their writing career with short stories or continued to write short stories while working on their books. Some of these famous writers are: F Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, J D Salinger, V S Naipaul, Mark Twain, Joyce Carol Oates, William Faulkner, and many others.
I also began my writing career with short stories, and my first published work was in the Broward Community College magazine where I was a student. The title of that story is A Pair of Blue Skates. I will see if I can find it somewhere. If not, I will try to rewrite it and republish it for you to see.
So why am I telling you all this? Today is Read A Short Story Day, and for the occasion, Perry Kirkpatrick has organized a Short Story Day, which runs from Nov 1 – Nov 4, where you can download short stories by different authors in a variety of genres, all free of charge for your reading pleasure. The title of my story is The Unwelcome Wedding Guest. Go to Read A Short Story Daydownload your copy and sign up for my newsletter. After you have read it, please come back here and share your thoughts with us.